
Does anyone else think that?

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JT thanks for you answer, but like you said, "back to Afganistan" are we gonna go back to iraq when we are done? and how much more money can we keep spending before we go broke? we were done in Afganistan and are going back. how can you call it a win if we have to go back again. you sound like me freind, no offense,




  1. Its not a war on terror but of terror, when will it end sooner rather than latter I think and sure as h**l not for the betterment of man kind and the ladys of cousre death , starvation and disease dosn't discriminate , Your mongrel govment funded the supposed terrorist in the first place , and the sooner some one turns isreal in to a glass bowl so the zionists no longer want it the better for us all ,

    you lot have more death and destruction at your disposal the the rest of the world combined 5 times over and they still cant find a few P*** off freedom fighters if they acctualy were a combined force h**l bent on domination like you guys we would all be bum up poinetd east or fertilizer I for one am not looking forward to bringing my kids up in the world as it is and my prays go out to the millions of inocent men women and children killed and maimed in the name of the usa. and its been going on for a lot longer than 6 years

  2. Absolutely winning!

    Not won, maybe never win, but winning yes.

    I really don't see an end to the war on terror. Religion is very strong.Hatred is very strong. They pass hatred down like we pass down civility. Their religion (AS THEY SEE IT) permits them to kill. Some would say it requires them to kill.

    The only thing the civilized world can do is to try and contain those extremists. We'll never kill them all or persuade them all.

    Right now at this very moment I feel like the U.S. is winning the war on terror mainly because after years of fighting the people of Iraq are finally realizing how better their lives will be if they unite against radicals. Thank god!

    Now our focus will soon be back on Afghanistan. After we secure the border with Pakistan our attention will be inside the borders of Pakistan.

    As long as we can keep them on the run we are winning.

    When we straighten Afghanistan others will notice that we are 2 for 2. Then hopefully they'll realize that ridding their land of extremists is the best thing they can do to secure the future of their country and live in peace.

  3. listen!!!  to show a teacher in a skool that he/she is a gud student, a teacher notice him/her by behaviour and activities....and a coach of a team select a gud sportman out of his team ...u know y?coz he notice he is i can giv u 1 more xample .......lets assume you r some muslim country lets assume .....u r iran    i am india      nd your frnd is in a society v have to make peace ..wot all expect.....but only two of us found as to be peace......but not u ....i mean iran i hope so.......people want u ta com up ......slowly show your interest in frndship ....then luv ...then peace......and ya society will notice you that u  maintained peace.......and you deal with manythings .........and who dont luv peace...........dnt feel that ur out of society.......we expect peace inside da country as well outsides the we know wot all goin on in everywher...........and why ta see who is winning or who is losing .........why cant we say lets all win......ha?

  4. No the war on terror is not being won.

    BUSH had the perfect opportunity to win the war on terrorism and it would only have cost the states a few billion dollars instead of the trillions of dollars the boy bush squandered.

    BUSH  blew it!! He could have sat down and used his head for a level response to the pains of the third world and HELPED! This would have eliminated the need for the hungry fools to strike out with suicidal bombers, and violence of other sorts. He had that opportunity right after the infamous 9/11 in your country. But did he do that? NO! He let his ego get the best of him and off he went to out do "DADDY WARBUCKS", and claim the grand title of " a war president "!

    It cost you people trillions of dollars and a six lost years. It will cost you more before it is over and done with.

  5. The USA is winning a war on terrorizing its own citizens. With chemtrails, genetically modified foods, sodium fluoride, barium & psychotic drugs in water; mercury & aspartame in vaccines; using plastics w/ recycle #'s 3, 6 & 7 for food! HFCS, crystalline fructose, sucralose, phenylalanine & all artificial sweeteners; Bilderberg Group, NAU, NHIN & Codex Alimentarius! The lies, propaganda & scare tactics in the mainstream media...America should be more worried about the people running their country than a few people halfway across the world.

  6. Like the war on poverty and drugs, such a conflict can never be won.  The operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are necessary because we are there now.  Leaving governments that can operate on their own is critical.  The no go areas in the tribal areas of Pakistan is unacceptable.  They need to play ball or get out the way.  The US is safer than before IMO.

  7. In Roman Empire, there was a rebel capable to fight against Roman Empire. At the end, they loss their battle at the border just outside the Rome: the capital of Roman Empire.

    Then the leader of the rebel escape to an abby. Roman soldiers spent more than 10 years to hunt him down.

    The war on terror got a similar situation.

  8. of course we are.

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