
Does anyone else think that the 9/11 attacks were a consipracy?

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Its all a conspiracy .




  1. Of course it was a conspiracy.  Muslim fanatics conspired to perpetrate mass murder in New York and Washington, DC.

  2. yes, remember government account of 9\11 attacks is also just a 'theory'.9\11 was an  inside job the evidence proves it

  3. It is no longer just thinking it is- the proof is there, but the entire government is so corrupt, nothing will ever be done about it. You can plainly see that the buildings are falling by the use of controlled explosives. And a plane that hit the pentagon  and was not caught on tape at the most secure building in the world? And had thousands of cameras in place? And the fact that the 3 buildings that burned to the ground was the only 3 skyscrapers in history to burn to the ground? And the only 3 buildings in the world to have the steel girders melt and burn ? And just remember, all the steel girders had to give out at exactly the same time for the building to fall within one second of free fall- steel girders giving out 25 stories below the fire at ground level? What a stretch of the imagination! People just refuse to believe that the government would lie to them.. They haven't quite figured out yet that government is composed of  politicians. Crooked, lying, corrupt, greedy politicians. We are a nation of sheep-dumb and trusting.

  4. lot's of people do. stupid question. thanks for the two points though!

  5. Yes.

    Sandy Berger stole & destroyed Classified Documents, to protect Bill Clinton from the 9/11 Commission Investigation.

    Whatever happened---- Bill Clinton was involved.

  6. No.

    It was a well coordinated attack. The government does coordinate events that well.

    It would require too many people to be involved in the planning and execution and by now someone would have come forward with all the details.

    It happened the way most clear thinking people believe it happened - radical, rabid extremist did the deed.

  7. Yes.  If you play the recordings of the events backwards you will see black helicopters forcing the planes into the towers.  Most certainly the helicopters were manned by foreign personnel.

  8. Everyone knows the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy. The WTC buildings did not fall down spontaneously nor is it conceivable that one person acting alone could have carried out the attacks.

    Most people who study deeply into the events of 9/11 come to the conclusion that it was a false flag attack by our own government. No evidence whatsoever has been made available to the public to support the Osama Bin Laden conspiracy theory advanced by the US government and the MSM. The best evidence for the official conspiracy theory is the famous "fat Osama" tape in which Osama "confesses". This tape has been shown to be a forgery and "fat Osama" has been identified as possible Mossad asset Adam Pearlman.

  9. No. Loose change was just meant to catch the gullible people of America off guard.

  10. I do!

  11. outdated

  12. Only idiots.

  13. LOL!  That is too funny!  Of course it's a conspiracy!  But what's making me laugh is the people who are so brainwashed by the government's propaganda machine, that they deny even that!  

    It's a conspiracy.  The question IS....who are the conspirators?

  14. Everyone does, but there are differences of opinion about the identify of the conspirators.

    I'm open minded to the claim that Arab terrorists were involved even though I see no credible evidence of it.  The Bin Laden videos were obvious fakes.  President Bush even stated that he didn't think Bin Laden was "at the center of any command structure" and he (President Bush) wasn't that concerned about finding Bin Laden:

    "So I don't know where he [Bin Laden] is ... You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, Kelly, to be honest with you. ... Well, as I say, we haven't heard much from him.  And I wouldn't necessarily say he's at the center of any command structure.  And, again, I don't know where he is.  I -- I'll repeat what I said.  I truly am not that concerned about him.

    -George W. Bush, March 13, 2002 (Press Conference)

    Read the transcript of the press release

    If you can stomach the rest of the rhetoric, you can hear it from the horse's mouth.  Watch it before You Tube takes it down!

    I am convinced that criminal elements inside the government were also involved in 9/11.  I do not for a moment accept the lame explanations given for failure to shoot down the planes.  There is extensive evidence for government complicity.  Try these compilations for a start:

    The 9/11 Commission investigation was a cover-up, the sole purpose of which was to protect the criminals inside the government.  Even some of the Commissioners have gone public in expressing their frustration at the government obstruction that prevented evaluation of important facts.

    Look up recent polls. The last one I saw was 2006.  Only 16% actually believe the official story.  84% believe the government is lying.

    One thing is now blatantly obvious .... there certainly was a conspiracy on the part of criminal elements inside the government to exploit 9/11.  If the government's excuses for failure to stop the attacks were to have any credibility, we should have seen heads roll and people held accountable all the way to the top.  If it were a corporation making such grave errors, there would have been mass-firings, including the CEO.  That didn't happen with 9/11 -- rather, people were promoted.  Instead of address the errors and incompetence, the government introduced the Patriot Act to begin the gradual and continuing dismantling of civil liberties.   The Patriot Act should have been a last-resort line of defense.  The first line should have been cleaning up the incompetence and errors that supposedly resulted in a gang of Arab terrorists outwitting the intelligence and air defenses of the world's only superpower.  If that alone doesn't make people suspicious, I don't know what would.

  15. the conspiracy is the idiots that say it was.

  16. i dont rule the idea out : )

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