
Does anyone else think that the British techs are better than their Chinese counterparts at covering miming?

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... or am I just cynical.

I'm talking about the acts at the 'ceremonies'.




  1. Yes, since most or all of them came from theatre.

    Except I wasn't too sure what the act was all about.  I was sort of half expecting them to suddenly break into a Mary Poppins routine with those umbrellas.

    The opera singers were definitely live.

  2. to the 3rd answer.... how come the opera singers were in time, while the 'sweet love song' women really weren't?

    they all had mics on that would cover any time delay.

  3. You mean..they weren't singing live at all?!

    Well,yes. The Chinese did crappy jobs of covering up for their singers...I just watched the closing ceremony and their vocals didn't go with their mouths? weird.

  4. @ Another Day In Paradise.. the reason the chinese singers looked out of synch is because the sound was from the stadium, not a tv feed, and sound travels slower than the pictures so it arrives fractionaly later than the picture you are seeing.. hense the two look out of synch.. not rocket science.

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