
Does anyone else think that the war in Iraq will end the same way as Vietnam?

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In Vietnam we had a cease fire and left when we though everything was ok, then right after we left the North took over the south anyway. It was pointless.




  1. Absolutely  not !!  Obviously  you  aren't  keeping  up  with  the  military  news.  Where  have  you  been  the  last  year  or  so?

  2. your knowledge of what happened in viet nam is appalling, we did not leave when we thought everything was o.k. and no, there is no, and will be no comparison to iraq.

  3. This is a great question, and one I have been dwelling on lately. You are incorrect in stating that we signed a cease fire and left. We did sign the cease fire in Paris in 1972 but remained with a skeleton military. When the North re-invaded in 1975, there was not the will to push back the VC and that's when we turned tail and ran. By the way, Congress, aided by the pansy State Department "lost" Vietnam. These two usual suspects are now working for a similar arrangement in Iraq. It does give one pause.

  4. The current government is controlled by the majority Shia arabs.  They hate Al Qaeda.  The Kurds don't tolerate religious extremists.  Saddam is gone.  Only Iran could take over the place, but they'd have to do it by using the Mehdi army as a proxy force to scare the Iraqi government into submission.  The Iraqi army is getting stronger everyday though, and the Mehdi army's leadership and much of it's muscle is stuck in Iran now because they're wanted by the Americans and the Iraqi army.

    I think this war is won.

  5. Yes, I do think it will end the same way. There are many similarities to both wars. Both were entered under dubious circumstances, both involved supporting thoroughly corrupt puppet governments, both were unpopular wars that divided the country, both were largely fought by lower middle class and poor people, both dragged on for years without a clear resolution in sight, and both resulted in great loss of life. I remember that very few people were sorry to see the war end when South Vietnam fell in 1975.

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