
Does anyone else think that when there is a question which goes along the lines of..?

by  |  earlier

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'who on Current Events would you invite (and there have been many of them lately)', it seems to be aimed specifically at making others feel left out?




  1. No

    I don't see anything wrong with users being friendly towards one another, there's no malicious intent in questions like that at all  

  2. Left out is the opposite of Right in.

    Feelings are not considered part of this cyber world, unfortunately.

    Perhaps some forget that there are real humans typing on here, not robots.


    Happy, happy, thanks. :-) :-)

  3. Sort of,but then I can't afford the dostrewchab motion lotion for the space hinglunder since the price hike,so can't afford to attend anyway.

  4. Yeah, probably.

    I'm used to it now though...<cries>...nobody loves me...<cries some more>.

  5. yes, because I never seen to be anyone's party list!  

  6. I don`t think so. There are so many nice, friendly people on here, that i would struggle to make a list of favourites. If they mention specific people, it`s just of the moment.

    It doesn`t mean, that they don`t value all the other`s questions and answers they see, or would want to leave anyone out.  

  7. I tend to look with interest and am intrigued by who will be honest. Everyone is different and have different things to offer and that makes it fun from the humour to the madness.....:)  

  8. i thought current events  was about what is happening in the world, not people having a chat on here

  9. Yeah maybe. This place is just one big popularity contest.

  10. I must have missed them all.

    I'd invite everyone.Let them battle out their differences face to face.See how many cowards we'd produce.

  11. Yes I do!!!

    Honestly, the clique seem to treat Current Events as a playground. I'm tired of the chatting and the humour. Something needs to be done to clean up Current Events.....


    I think I might suggest it on suggs.........

    For the record, I'd invite everyone. Except Crysis Management :)

  12. because I am left out :(

    harry is bullying me...

  13. When you are the only person on CE who is not considered "sexually virile" then you will know the true meaning of being left out.

    *sobs quietly into brand new shiny orange badge*

  14. it makes me sad because nobody picks me,

    (( storms off in the huff )) SLAMS DOOR>bye

  15. There's a party in my lodge every night and everyone (except Grumples) is invited.  

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