
Does anyone else think that ww3 might happen because of the Russia - Georgia dispute?

by Guest55867  |  earlier

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Does anyone else think that ww3 might happen because of the Russia - Georgia dispute?




  1. not if the russians decide soon that they have georgia beat! we need to wait a few days to see where the russians are taking this aggresion and if those other smaller  pro/russian states provoke the geogians into more kiilling of russians. l;iving in south osettia and the rest who feel they where better off under soviet rule rather than georgian styl attempt at democracy

  2. It's possible, but I don't think either side wants that.  There will be a diplomatic solution.

  3. Yes I think this is the first in many of Russias conquests.....I mean their invaded Georgia to protect their foregin nationalssame thing Germany when they started invading places in 1935 and once again the wourld is sitting back and saying who cares its not our problem jsut like we did in 1935 i don't want war as much as the next guy but to ensure long lasting peace we must go on the offensive push the Russians out of Georgia and than leave it at that don't attack the Russian homeland directly and if they got nuke we go nuke to....

  4. There are lots of topics just like this.  

  5. much more likely if ww3 happens it will be because the U.S invades Iran since both Russia and China have said a U.S occupation of Iran would be a threat to their soverignty

    To answer your question, no. To be brutally honest no major power really cares about Georgia enough to start any kind of war over it.  

  6. Yes

    If the Georgian allies( US, NATO, generally the western world) side with Georgia and send troops to South Ossetia and the Russian allies( Central Asia, China, Iran, the 3rd world) side with Russia and join the Russian invasion of Georgia then everything could escalate and transform into WW3.

    You know Russia is doing the same thing n**i Germany did, Russia taking control of regions where the Russian-Ossetians are a majority while the n**i's took control of Austria and Sudentland in Czechoslovakia where Germans were a majority

    History always repeats if you dont stop it before it happens again

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