
Does anyone else think the Hogans have "over done it"?

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With Linda and her boy toy, Brooke on the loose and Nick in jail for street racing and his "friend" brain damaged, can it get worse?? Oh yes and Hulk saying basically the "friend" had it coming due to his choice of lifestyle, then trying to cut a tv deal over Nicks jail time AND trying to get NIck a cushier place to serve his time. Isn't it enough already?? Are there any Hulkamaniacs that have had enough of the Hulkster and his brood??




  1. Agreed.With the Hogans it now seems to be a case of everything being one big media publicity opportunity.Even when Brooke was in a car crash in Florida back in May, Hulk and Linda appeared perfectly made-up for the photos.The "jail tapes" where Hulk told Nick that they would make money from his situation and trying to blame John Graziano was just sickening.

    He tries to come over as the caring responsible Hulk Hogan, yet he had an affair with Brooke's best friend.That's one of the reasons Linda filed for divorce.I was never a big fan of Hogan and even more so after last year's Wrestlemania where a planned match between Hogan and Stone Cold fell through because Hulk wouldn't put over Austin.

  2. OVERDONE it is not the word. I say bring them to the MAURY show !

  3. the only thing that f**ks me of about hulk hogan is his finisher i mean i have seen people kick out of things like the chokeslam,tomestone piledriver,F5,rock bottom but when hogan gives you that leg drop that's it you don't kick out its sh*t >:(

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