
Does anyone else think the Spanish and Argentine teams are grossly insulting ?

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to the Olympic hosts? I'm sorry, I just do not think this is funny. My brother keesp sending me these articles qand thinks they're funny, I do not:




  1. If I were a Chinese I would not be offended simply because when you have a bonehead making fun of you, take it as that, he is just a bonehead.It's not his fault that he was born and raised as a bonehead.What I noticed in the answers is total ignorance. It's ok for the Argentinians and the Spaniards to do this because " hey they are picking on that evil China who broke every human right law that exist".What they seem to ignore or maybe dont know is that Argentina and Spain are countries who until recently harboured every n**i on the planet.Spain was a fascist country up until Franco died. Should a Chinese citizen be responsible for his country's actions? Should an American citizen be responsible for Agent Orange in Vietnam? I don't think so. Love your fellow man no matter where he lives because he is in a heap of **** just like you.But then again there will always be boneheads, who try to force their thoughts on you.

  2. Oh no.....people having a little dare they! Lets all wear our feelings on our sleeves and cry "stereotype".

    If Americans got offended every time people around the world made fun of us, our country would be a mess. Fortunately we don't cry or whine every time someone makes fun of us.

  3. I think it is disgusting that those who are in a host country would act that way. They may have thought it was funny, but it was not. I am sure many Chinese did find it cruel and racist. As do I. Would we do that here and not consider it racist to mock others features or color?

  4. How can you insult a Communist Country that treat people like cattle?I think it's all funny. Just tell your brother to stop sending you articles..Next problem...Sally did you have your hand up?

  5. I'm more insulted that my skids are fraying at the seems because them gooks didn't´t sew em proper.

    Cost me shitloads aswell,excuse the pun.

  6. Not as insulting as trotting out 13 and 14 year old and claiming they are 'legal' age. Nor any more insulting than a pantomime tossed off as a 'live performance' because the little girl singing for real wasn't quite a pretty as the fraud.

    As for the 'insult' to the hosts...Only in the mind of the Politically Correct Police or the "ban the Opinion' crowd.

    I find it offensive when people get their jock in a not when every event in life doesn't equate to the Changing of the Guard.

    We have people being murdered for their religious convictions, while the chinese government supports the murderers. We have people being tossed in  jail  for wanting to have their country as a free country again and the world is 'horrified' because a few athletes express their opinion.

    Sad, what some people want to focus their 'discussed' on.  

  7. No, think your just a typical yank who hates the fact that there are millions of latinos in the US and will use any excuse to attack Hispanic people i think we all know who is the racist and it's not the Argentinians or Spaniards

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