
Does anyone else think the movie Twilight is going to be disappointing?

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I think it's going to be devastating compared to the book. Movies always are. Like Blood and Chocolate. That movie was horrific! But if I hadn't read the book, it would have been ok.




  1. Yes, i think it will be disappointing because i am gonna expect so much!

    But i am still going to catch it!  

  2. yes i agree

  3. The book was great, but I also think the movie will be great.  They change some stuff, but that is so the movie will be different.  Don't you think it would be boring to watch a movie of something where you know every line and what is going to happen next?  I do.  I think the movie will be pretty good.

  4. Books to movies are always horrible. :[[

  5. yeah, i mean in the book edward was amazing and that but the guy who played cedric diggory in harry potter is playing him, so he wont look the part. but yea.

    there should b another book after breaking dawn but there isnt going to be...

  6. Honestly, I can't say any movie that is based off a book is ever really "great". But I do think that the movie "Twilight" will be good based on the clips I have seen. I don't think no movie can ever be as good as the book itself. And you have to remember that the movie is only BASED off of the book. Which doesn't imply that the movie is going to be exactly like the book. There is so much in the book that they cannot have every single detail, therefore they have to condense it or change around some things. As long as there is chemistry between Edward and Bella and that they stay true to the more important parts of the story then I'm good. =)

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