
Does anyone else think the new FTL is actually a Sunni?

by  |  earlier

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The old FTL had much more knowledge and a firm aqueedah. This new guy should really change his name and stop being so deceptive. New FTL, Stop calling yourself Shia if you're not going to stand up for the haq of Aali Muhammed (AS).




  1. Did you see his question about Who has seen any Sunni insultig Ahl-e-Bait?

    I don'tthink he with a mind of Shia could ignor those many insults!

  2. nah bro, he is still the same FTL, with his awesome knowledge, i just think he is just more calm and more patient, trying to be wiser with his messages, he's a good brother

  3. ok ill be sure to tell em

  4. What did he do wrong....? You dude need to stop being so judgemental, after all we are All Muslims right, is not our Aqeedah somewhat similar...?

    Just because he refrains from bashing and attacking apparently in your views he should stop being so deceptive LOL

    And it is not nice to post a question about him email him instead!

  5. no, why..unless someone cloned him..which yeah u could expect from trolls here :P

  6. Whts FTL?

  7. I think the new FTL is cool

    He never talked the sunni-way.Did he??

    But i was surprised to see his answer for Mary's qstn "What was Abu baker doing when Porphet(pbuh) was being buried..

    Really astonishing answer from what is expected from a Shia:-)

    lets not fight friends

    Salam to all

  8. I don't know the old FTL or new FTL.  I think it's better if you email him directly to ask personal questions though.

  9. thats exactly what i have been noticing......he posts the kind of questions and answers that the real FTL would not post.......FTL use to be a strong minded guy with a strong adeedah.....i really dont seem to understand if he is the old FTL or just a clone of him acting jerk!

  10. HUH??? What did I miss?

    He is the same FTL we love as our brother..... He just returned after a long time and he has softened in this time... dont worry he will stand up again...

    He is a very good brother and he is strong in his beliefs too.... He is a genuine Shia I am sure....

  11. yes he is sunni.

  12. lol a Muslim(sunni)  and Insulted great Sahabi like Mu'awiyah(RA) and said may Allah brun him in h**l !!!!!

    and saying Ali(AS) instead of Ali(RA) !!

    sorry no Muslim will do this  Only shia !

    lol !

    he is a Typical shia !

    he is Just using Taqqiya this guy came late, he didn't know that we already know this tactic which used by his scholars(marjiee) specially in majority Islamic(sunni) countries before him

    but they got exposed by Islamic scholars from their books !

    and the same marjiee have show their reality when they got the charge of the countries example Iraq !

    he is playing taqqiya to not Insult Abu Baker(Ra) and Omar(Ra)

    and to Insult the Uncle of believers Muawiyah(ra) !

    Prince of Persia tried this before him lol !

    they didn't know that we Love all Sahaba(ra)  the same

    so when they Insult Omar(ra) or Abu bakr(ra)  is the same when they Insult Muawiya(ra) or Amr bin al as(ra)  or any other Sahaba!

    No Muslim(sunni) would Insult any Sahaba !

    and FTL is just Insulted great Sahaba and the uncle of believers

    Muawiya(RA) !

    i just woke up and i have no time now

    later i will ask some Question to see how his taqqiya will stand ; ) !

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