
Does anyone else think there should be a "no children" section in restaurants?

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If I go to an eating establishment and pay good money for my meal, should I not be able to eat and converse without children running crazy, eating out of the salad bar with their hands, and babies screeching at the top of their lungs? Why do parents allow this ? I always took my kiddos to the foyer or outside to calm them if they got too loud!! The same in movie theaters.




  1. When my kids were little and on rare occasion we went out dinner we always made our kids behave. But it seem now a days parents let kids do what ever they want so nobody call John Law on them.

    WE went to a nice  hi class restaurant for our anniversary, and there was a young couple that had 3 young kids there also.

    Well these kids were loud, running all over the restaurant and parents did nothing.

    When we complained to Manager all he said was " I WILL GIVE YOU A 5% DISCOUNT ON YOUR BILL" We got up and walked out and didn't pay at all. I was in tears

    So yes no kid sections please.

    We put with no smoking sections

  2. I agree with you a hundred percent. The kids are running around the restuarants while you are trying to eat. They are screaming and running around with the possibility of spilling spaghetti sauce or red wine on your dress shirt you spent $30.00 at a clothiers store. I don't like eating at Chuck E Cheeses because of the noisy kids.

  3. no all children are not stupid well not stupid screwd up iz da word my child iz very smart and she aint like other kids she never ate off the floor and she could talk clear as day when she was 3 years old so i dont think there should be a "no children section"

  4. I'm not exactly sure about that. I think that the higher rated restaurants do need a "no children" section. But if it's just a regular restaurant with a salad bar then I don't think that it's necessary for a restaurant to do that.

  5. No WAY!!!

    If you dont like kids, stay home and eat!

  6. well, it mattrs how old they r. ive seen some kids that looked about 8-12, and act really good. and it matters WHAT restaurant.

  7. You aren't able to "remove"the yopunger generation, from your life just because it seems to you unconvenient/ Children are an important part of lfe expereiences, and how are tehy going to lear, if you edit them? Gain some respect for them.

  8. I would like to see restaurants advertise a "family friendly section" that is separated enough from the main restaurant so that everyone can feel comfortable.  I've seen this, particularly in pubs, in Europe, and it works well.

    We spend a lot of time making sure our 4 year old daughter behaves well if we take her to a restaurant, but I look around to see if the other diners are bothered by her, probably too much - I might be on the other end of the spectrum, and we might all enjoy our meal more if I could relax knowing we weren't bothering anyone.

  9. They should have a no kids section in the same place they use to have as the smoking area.That way they already have walls separating them from each other.

  10. I agree and disagree. I agree with you when you say its very rude when parents let their children run wild around a nice establishment, and let them  eat very messy but I disagree when you say there should be a seperate section for parents with children. If the dining establishment is fancy and very high class, children should not be allowed to go at all. It's just like a bar. But if your at McDonald's don't expect to get piece and quiet.

  11. Yes...Annoying Brats and Stupid Parents thinking that their children are 'Angels'

  12. It is too bad we have to resort to a separate area for families with kids. What ever happened to good manners. I can see letting you kid run around in McDonald's, but not other restaurants that are not fast food. I taught my kids from 2 years old to learn to still still in a restaurant. They were never allowed to run around, not even in McDonald's. If kids were out of hand and I was trying to enjoy my meal, I would go talk to the parents. People are rude anyways. I was once in one of the finest restaurants in the world(The french Laundry) and adults were partying there like is was sizzlers, loud, drunk, and just plain rude. The waiter saw what was happening and moved us to a private room. I would have liked it better if they were told to keep there voices down. Now that was rude.

  13. ugh there's nothing that annoys me more than parents letting there kids run wild in restaurants. i don't think it's necessarily the kids faults, the parents should be responsible and either not take them, keep them occupied, or at least teach them some manners. but yeah, i definitely agree with you.

    *edit- mergers&separations: lol i agree with what you had to say about that post...

  14. Ido. I agree with you, it`s just imposible to eat and converse with such a noise!!!

  15. It's not the kids fault.  If they're parents never taught them to be good then they are going to act out because they can.

  16. Yes, I totally agree. You should check out this one book titled, I Hate Other People's Kids, by Adrianne Frost. She makes the point that you did.

  17. Depends how the Kid is acting, and age matters too, maybe under 13 cant go or something?

  18. Geez, restaurants with salad bars aren't exceptionally high class. I would expect to see families with children there. Get the stick out of your butt.

  19. Maybe you should try frequenting more upscale restaurants.

    I rather doubt you're paying "good money" to go to a trough aka salad bar. Most parents are going to take children to places with salad bars or cheaper eats, because they cater to children more and they can save money (kids are expensive!) Try venturing into the world of fine dining. I have worked for a couple places that don't have children's menus, high chairs or booster seats on site because they want to discourage people from bringing their children.

    As far as children running amuck, you are right. I don't understand how most parents can't keep their pimp hand strong with their own children. I mean, you're taller, more knowledgable and have all the money. How do they let their children run things?

  20. i was just talking about this with my mom. we went to ihop and there was a couple with a baby. and the baby kept making noises and i could tell the other diners were irrated by this.

    i have another example at chilis i was sitting near another couple who also had a baby. and once again that baby kept making noises and crying. our section was really empty so the hostess kept trying to sit people in our section but they would see and hear the baby and request to sit be seated elsewhere.

    i believe that there should be an area designated for people with younger kids. i also think it is completely rude to bring a baby into the movie theater especially on an opening night of a movie. if you can't find someone to watch your baby then don't make everyone else suffer!

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