
Does anyone else think there should be a test you have to take to be able to vote?

by  |  earlier

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Like to prove your actually informed and not just making decisions based on race, gender, looks, or outside influences?

or maybe at least an IQ test?





  1. Sometimes I do, but then I realize that it's just a reaction to things.  Everyone should have the right to vote if they are US citizens.  I do think it's right that felons should have that right taken away though.

  2. Wow, that would cut Dem voters to a handful tops.  Repub landslides forever.

  3. Well that would help Obama, because it a proven fact that most well education people are voting for him.  Less education is voting for Mccain.  

  4. While I do agree with you (on some level) that nobody should vote uninformed and that it would be nice if we could eliminate idiocy from politics - I would not be in favor of a "test" to qualify to vote.  This would give too much power to the "test givers" and lead to a lot of corruption (a lot of votes being labeled "invalid", perhaps some cheating scandals... etc...).

    Kudos on your passion, though ;)

  5. YES!

    - IQ test

    - higher age requirement (though that problem could be taken care of with the IQ test)

    - a nice psych evaluation.

    People who shouldn't be allowed to vote would include people who vote based on gender and people who vote based on race.

  6. They used Tests in the old days to prevent others from voting. A great deal of American Blood has been spilled to give us the right to vote... Can You, Dig It?

  7. And ruin all the fun of watching the incompetent folks who complained about the butterfly ballot?

  8. word i asked that a few days ago. maybe a higher age requirement as well. and a literacy test.

  9. I think you should have to be a net tax payer, rather than payee, to vote, unless you've served in the Armed Forces.

    I would also raise the age requirement.

  10. This question is asked 50 times a week.  The fact of the matter is that we can't even pass laws to positively identify the person voting, which is a legitimate concern.

    Any intelligence test that was required in order to vote would be Constitutionally invalid.  

  11. Yes but the Dems would scream that that was unfair.

    How would they ever win anything if they couldn't count on the uneducated and the dead people's names on ballots?

  12. Depending on how it's implemented ..I might support that.

  13. They tried that in the south after the civil war.

  14. A common sense test would do.

  15. Proud Appalachian here, with an IQ 4X that of Countess.  As far as IQ tests go for voting, I say no.  However, a basic government test to prove you understand the constitution and the basic workings of government would be great.  Not only that, but only those who actually pay federal income taxes (with exceptions made for retirees) should be allowed to vote in federal elections.  If you get a refund for the full amount of your withholdings, sorry, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.  If you do pay the taxes that pay the wages of the elected politicians, as well as every other government service, many of which you will never use, you deserve to, and SHOULD vote.

    Someone who lives off of government without ever having to contribute to it's cost is always going to vote for more government at the expense of others.  The Dems understand this and have exploited it for years to buy votes.

  16. yep!

    that would knock out MOST of obama's sad...NOT

  17. There probably should be a test but not an IQ test, those are horribly biased against minorities and nationalized citizens, etc.   An IQ test wouldn't be fair but maybe some type of test wouldn't be so bad.

    I'd like to know why Australians are hanging out on the American YA politics section.   What does Australia care about American politics?    

  18. No.  The republicans are Americans therefore they should be allowed to vote right along with the Appalachians.

  19. I'm glad your not deciding on how Australia votes. Voting is compulsory here. I don't have a problem with that either.

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