
Does anyone else think these two stars look alike?(pictures)?

by  |  earlier

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am i crazy or do you think chris carrabba

and david norona

look identical?

i was watching the movie bailys mistake and i could have sworn it was chris carrabba.




  1. They could be brothers.

    I can see how someone could get the confused.

  2. Wow,  they really look like twins or something. I never noticed before.  

  3. yah they do  

  4. wow, yeah they totally do.

  5. OMG SO alike

  6. aaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg i was expecing some kind of difference but they do look identical like their face and bone structure in their face

  7. the first one looks like a younger version of the second one

  8. Ya, they look alike

  9. yea but they both ugly...

  10. lol they do! exaclty the same except the first looks younger

  11. they look alike

  12. I can see how you think they look alike.

    idk who they are though but I think they look alike.

  13. yes!!totally omg!

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