
Does anyone else think this building is ugly?

by Guest61909  |  earlier

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I think this is the second ugliest building in the world, after the one in North Korea.




  1. nope!

    i think it is glorious.

    you wanna know an ugly building?

    one that looks like every other building in the US.

    this building is beyond's mysterious.

    it's like a creature you can climb in.....and feel the heartbeat.

    its an obstacle course...a maze....a treasured piece of history.

    i could never call it ugly because i respect its magnificence.

    it sparks my imagination.

    i could build something like that!!!!

    its like when you go into a museum...and u see some strange piece of abstract art that looks like a kid created it.....

    well that's the beauty of it.

    it's different.

    i appreciate you asking for my opinion :)

    and i respect yours

  2. is it finished? HAHA...i don't like modern archetecture at all...and this is the very reason why.  just because it's unique and didn't actually fall down doesnt mean it was a good idea.

  3. Yes, its hideous, but it is a rather stunning feat in architecture, unfortunately like a train wreck, you are compelled to look at it.

  4. I think that if you were to actually go there and stare up at it,

    you would be able to appreciate the complexity and 'oddness' of the design. It's almost like one of those optical illusions of an impossible form, that you can't help but stare it.

  5. I like this building.

    I like the juxtaposition on which it is built and the way that it dominates the skyline. I am sure that if you were to research into the design of this building you would discover much symbology that is relevant to the Chinese culture. Having just visited Beijing I saw many strange buildings. All of these however serve a purpose and no real harm is come to. If there is no variation in building design then the world would be a very boring place indeed.

  6. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"! To me, no, it's not pleasing to my eye, but then, I am more of a traditionalist!

  7. If a super-sized samurai chopped Voltron in half at the midsection, the result would look a lot like this,

  8. I like it because it shows how far we've come. The only thing humanity used to be able to build was log cabins or huts. But now...this. It is beautiful in the sense that it's symbolic of what we can do, and it's also kinda twisty so I like it. :)

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