
Does anyone else think this is rude?

by  |  earlier

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I got a phone message on my phone from one of the leaders at church. All he left was "I wanted to talk to you about an opportunity. Call me back." My work schedule is really crazy (lots of hours and night shifts due to unusual events at work), so I emailed him asking him to email me about so that I could email him back anytime. But also wrote that if he prefers to talk over the phone, to just give me a call Friday before 5 pm.

His response was verbatim "No need to send you information. Just call me."

I'll be nice to him of course, but it kind of strikes me as rude. For one, leaving a message and not saying really what he wanted. And then throwing the ball back in my court to call him when he's the one that wants something from me. (Even though I explained emailing would be great for me because of my schedule.)

It's not a huge deal. I'm just wanting unbiased opinions here for my own piece of mind. Does that seem rude to you guys?




  1. yes and no. To him. He maybe just trying to say, that it's not a big deal to him and call when you get the chance.

    While to you his message made it seem like it was important and needed to be handled sooner rather then later.

    I would just call when you have the chance and if he comments on the time it took you to call. Be polite but mention that you e-mailed him due to your schedule and were not able to call any sooner.

    Then leave it at that.

    Good Luck

  2. It is not only rude but rather condescending, of him, like his time is more important than yours, It could not take but a few seconds of his time to let you know what requires your attention.  

  3. Kinda rude, but maybe he is just trying not to worry you until he can explain over the phone and maybe it might be too long to type up. He just might feel it is just easier to tell you than email you cuz you can like answer questions right away and stuff on the phone

    so, yeah

    but call him back for petes sake

  4. I would then take my time to call since you informed him when to call you since he is the one that needs to talk to you.  

  5. no, i dont think it was rude.

    he probably needs to tell you something important and he wants to tell you kinda in person.

    good luck  :)

  6. I would say rude. Especially if he can't give you a little more of a reason why he wants to talk to you so badly.  

  7. I don't think it is rude, so much as inconsiderate.  It's like he paid no heed to your fair request.  

    Myself, i would see me sending the ball back in his court, but perhaps then i would be the rude one.  Sometimes, ya just can't avoid meeting people at their own level or on their own terms.  Even if you don't take up his opportunity.

  8. well a little bit but he was probably in a hurry, and sometimes on the phone is way faster than email and there's no mis communications over the phone. well usually. No offense or anything, but you're taking too personally. I think it's all right although he could've been a little nicer

  9. I work with someone like that. I don't think this person is being rude, just has a cold demeanor. The best thing to do is to try and not let it get to you.

  10. I'd say it's suspicious because he won't give you any information in writing.  He's relying solely on his verbal sales-pitch, which means he's selling something he KNOWS you wouldn't want if you saw the offer on paper.

    It sounds like a pyramid-scheme sales-pitch.  Don't bother with him, and you might even consider changing churches if there is a fraudster in a leadership position.

  11. i'm just wondering, if is possible at all that you are missing on an opportunity?

  12. Well, kind of.  Then again, it's possible he's not an email type of person.  I guess he didn't get your point, huh?  I'd just shrug it off and call him.  I mean, we can all agree that it was rude, but it won't fix anything.  People can be so totally unaware of their own behavior it's downright funny sometimes.

  13. no  how do you know he wants something from you  maybe he is going to do a favor  i think you shoud respond back in the same form he did with you   call him  i think email is impersonal and harder to do then a phone call if there has to be questions and answers

  14. I doubt he was trying to be rude, especially if he was giving you an opportunity for whatever it is.  Just call him.

  15. I actually think he's not trying to be rude at all. if you have a hectic schedule wouldnt you think that would be nice of him to tell you to call him whenever you would like.

  16. it's not's just don't call him back..he wants to be an idiot, let him...if it was important, he'd have left a message.

  17. Yep, he was rude and juvenile. I would not call him back. Who has time to play phone tag.

  18. Not exactly rude, but I think he should call you if he's the one that wants something.

    Maybe since he said it was an opportunity, it might benefit you in some way.

    I'd call him back whenever I got the chance.

  19. uhm well like you mentioned its not a huge deal. it was kind of rude just in the sense that you had explained to him that it wasn't as convenient to you as just talking on-line would be, but he might have something important to tell you in which case he still should have mentioned that... so yeah i guess it was rude haha


  20. Kind of.

    But sometimes people want to announce very good news in person.

    That way they can see the other people reaction(Happiness) and its always nice.

  21. He certainly seems secretive and maybe a bit controlling.  You might send him another email Friday afternoon saying that you won't be home in time to call him befoe 5:00 but are curious to know what the matter is about.  If he keeps trying to make you call him without letting you know why, just don't.  However, you could let him know in an email when it wuold be a good time for HIM to call YOU.  

  22. it is rude. but it depends how clear you were in your email. read back over what you said and see fi you really said what you meant to say. you might of tried to hard to make it sound nice that you couldnt call back and left out how you really couldn't call him back.

    think about it. other wise it does seem kiund of rude. wait till you see what he has to say though.



  24. totally

  25. Yeah, that was rude of him, especially his email response. Ring him back and ask what he wanted to tell you, then towards the end of the conversation hint that he made things awkward for you e.g. "I'm sorry it took me so long to contact you, I've been really busy recently and haven't had much time to spend ringing people." It still sounds polite but you've definitely put your point across that way. Good luck!

  26. Yeah, it's a bit rude. I guess he just wants you to call him to fit his schedule, and doesn't really care about yours.

    Sounds like he's pretty full of himself, from that little snippet of personality I see.

  27. He could have been trying to make it easier for you by saying that you could call him whenever you had time.

  28. I do think that was a rude response on his part. You could politely tell him again that phone conversations arent really a good means of communication for you and whether he likes it or not, you will need to email.

  29. Don't you have a friend or someone else you can rant to about this?  

  30. It does seem rude to me.  I have visions of him saying that his son is selling candy bars for school or that he is selling Amway and wants to you sign up too.  Perhaps some other get-rich-quick scheme. I would not be in any big hurry to call him back.

  31. Well it could be if it is just something ordinary.But if it is something he needs to hear your reaction to maby not.

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