
Does anyone else think this is strange?

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Okay, before I say anything, I realize that it's her son and she can do as she pleases..but I'm concerned about how this is going to effect his growth..

My MIL still lets her 8 year old sleep in the bed with her and my FIL. He has his own bedroom, since he is the only child at home now, and it is fully furnished/decorated, yet she has him sleep with her. On the nights that my son spends the night with her (he's one) she has her son sleep in his room, but she has a baby monitor, and he's maybe 20-25 feet away from her room. My FIL still takes baths with him although he, "Keeps his underwear on" and they treat him like he's three. They baby him and don't make him do anything for himself. My husband (his brother) sees nothing wrong with any of this, other than the monitor part, and gets upset when I talk about how it's going to effect him. To be honest..he's a little wimp. He cries about everything. Plus, he's very jealous of my son and has hit/kicked him. I don't even like to go over




  1. what ever you want to do

  2. It's not so strange for an 8-year old boy to shower with his Dad, although in this context it sounds like they're prolonging his babyhood, which in and of itself is not good for the boy. Showering with a child of the same s*x (until the child starts puberty or doesn't want to share a shower) isn't bad--why create a hangup that's not there?

  3. I feel very sorry for his future wife. I dated a guy once that was a momma's boy and he expected the same of me, to take care of him like he is 3yrs old. Since she is the mother though, it's her decision how she wants to raise him, just as it's your decision how to raise yours. My mother always tries to give my kids junk food when they are over there, and she loads them up with candy. I told her my concerns about it, and she has cut down a little bit, but I don't think she'll ever stop that. I just make it a point to talk to my kids about eating healthy foods, and hopefully my daily routine with them will stick in their mind more than her junkfood haven. Good luck!

  4. im sorry  but if anybodys 8 year old hit my one year old the fight would be on and there wouldnt be a dang thing my husband could do about it, the **** would just have to hit the proverbial fan....the rest of it is their business..but yes he sounds like a spoiled mamas boy ( like my 13 year old bil) and theres nothing you can do about that, but you dont have to let him abuse your baby.

  5. It is probabley because its there last child and they dont want him to grow up theres probabley nothing you can do unless you want to start major family issues

  6. As far as your in laws son, although disturbing, there is nothing that you can do, that is their child. I doubt that they;re doing him any favors and, in a few years, they're going to have some major problems. However, as far as your son is concerned, if you don't feel cmfortable with him staying over, then, by all means, don't allow it. You are in a situation that I do not envy, one that I was in with my ex in-laws. There is absolutely  nothing that you can do about their son without creating major problems, I'm sorry. I do wish you good luck, you are going to need it.

  7. This seems odd to me, yes.  There are some boundaries that should be there, but obviously aren't.  An 8 year old is too old to be sleeping in a bed with another adult, let alone bathing with one.  But if they are treating him like a toddler, I suppose you have to expect that he'll act like one.

    Uhm.... yeah... good luck.

  8. Okay, I'm a mother of 4, so take this for what it's worth.  I have 3 girls ages 8-14, and one son age 3 1/2.  NOW, all my kids would sleep with my hubby and I every night if I'd let them.  With that said, I still think it's a bit weird that someone's 8 yr old SON sleeps with them.  I do not have a monitor in any of the kids rooms, except the 3 yr old.  I DO agree with you that it sounds a little weird.  OH, and the FIL showering or bathing with the son...well thats just creepy.  Good luck, hope this helps.

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