
Does anyone else think this is unfair?.. ?

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Hey i just wanted to no if you think this is unfair?

Having to live alone at the age of 14, with dad but he works nights from 2 in the afternoon to 2.00 in the morning at night and other night shifts? having to cook tea for myself, clean basically look after the house? Only see my dad on saturdays? if im not busy, have to do everything myself and alone. im 16 nearly 17 now and i was just wondering, i might sound like a drama queen, but its sort of affected me? what do you think? or am i just over reacting




  1. You would not have had a home to live in if your dad had not worked all of these years.  yes, I know is has been rough, but you must understand that in the adult world we all have to do things we don't want to do.  Giving you a place to live, food to eat, etc..., was a priority over being home, unfortunately.

    Just keep this in mind, and go to college, so that you will never have to do this to your children.  If you are depressed, contact the local health department and find out where the local mental health dept is, so that you can get some therapy.

    Please do not hold this against your father.  He was doing his best to provide for you.

    I know, because I had two children and had to work 2, sometimes 3 jobs to support them.  I did not want to be away from them, but I knew that their health and well being depended on me bringing home enough money to provide a home, food, clothing, and all of the other necessities of life.  They turned out just fine, and are grateful that I tried to do my best for them.

  2. oh you sound like snow white, dont worry your prince charming will come soon and would spice up your boring life.  

  3. stop being a drama queen!

    these are life skills

    better to have them now then to need to learn them when you really do live alone

    meaning your own apartment

    not at your daddy's and him not being around

  4. Well I don't know if I would say "unfair" it may mean your life seems harder than some other people experience but it's just the way it is.   I know we would all like life to be perfect and fair, wonderful but the sad fact is "life is difficult"   if we accept that fact and do our best grabbing opportunities as they come along - it will make you stronger and more able to cope with life later on.   BUT only if you accept the situation as it is.   If you go around feeling hard done by because of it - you will be experiencing life harder than you need to.    Life is what we make it - either good or bad.  So try not to dwell on it and take charge of your life and be proud that you can do things for yourself.  It's up to you how you feel about it -  hugs.

  5. no your not over reacting.its just sad how you have to grow up on your own..i know how it is when you do everything by yourself..but i guess your dad is working so hard like that so that you have things that you need and sure if he could choose he would choose to be with you..sometimes in life parents have to work hard so that their kids get what they need..he does love and care for you tho..thats why he works as hard and long hours as he can..

  6. No, it sounds tough.  but you can take pride in the fact that you have and are coming through a rough patch and soon you can leave home and start your own life.  Your Dad is suffering too.  Remember that.  that is along day at work and horrible hours.  give him some credit too.  Many of the most successful people on the planet have rough childhoods and they use it to their benefit. They determine that they will do whatever it takes to study hard and get good training so that they never have to live this way again.  Hang in there.  Work hard so that later you can live well.

    Blessings to you,

    A Mom

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