
Does anyone else think we need more, not less illegal immigrants in the U.S.?

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With the economy being in such a huge slump, what else could bring down prices of everything from produce to car repairs, than an entire workforce of people willing to work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, for less than minimum wage? What have we got to lose?




  1. i think there should be more, but they should be treated the same-->> atleast minimum wage, america needs talanted minds

  2. I think that they should leave! It's not fair that these illegal aliens come over here and live better than us! It's so not fair! I don't care if they make more here than they would in there home country. That's life so deal with it. Justifying illegal immigrants is like saying i'm going to rob a bank because my kids are starving. It doesn't change the fact that you broke the law and should be punished. I say stricter border control and they should wait until they legally can come over here.


  4. When I read these types of questions, I get MAD AND FIRED UP!!! Ok 1st of all, my parents were immigrants and received there legal status b4 I was born.  I don't have a problem with illegals.  I do have a problem with watching America's Most Wanted and seeing half the people on the show who commit a crime, are either illegal or of other descent.  I think immigrants think that they can come over to our Country, do nothing and commit crimes to get what us hard Americans work for.  My parents always worked hard and never committed a crime to get what they wanted. I live in Arizona, and this is a huge debate here.  I hate that every-time I turn on the news, another drop house was discovered or an illegal committed a crime of even worse killed someone.  EG., The Chandler Rapist was illegal! And to answer you question, what do we have to lose, nothing just more innocent Americans to crimes committed by illegals.  And I quote" NOT ALL ARE BAD PEOPLE, I KNOW AND DO REALIZE THAT!!! BUT A HIGH % ARE!" I know a lot of people that are illegal, are good and hard working. But I think that borders should be closed and regulated. People should go through the process of getting legalized like my parents!!! That's the right way.

  5. Because part of our economy problems stem from lack of jobs. If the illegals are here, working those jobs, there are less jobs for legal citizens. Also, many illegals receive welfare. Don't ask me how they manage it but they do. I know of several right here in my county in Ohio. It's horrible. I have no problem with LEGAL immigrants coming here to work, but when there are so many illegals taking jobs and housing, then there is a problem.

    I agree with Obama. We need to have programs in place for immigrants to become legal. He mentioned that they should have to learn OUR language, too. I love that. They really should.

    In my area, we have a lot of chicken farms and processing plants. Most of the employees at these places are illegal mexicans. I worked with them for 4 years. Nice people. I enjoyed teaching them our language while we were on the line and learning a bit of theirs, as well. BUT....if we could get some of the people that are on welfare into jobs like would make for a better economy. But often, those jobs aren't available because Illegal labor is cheaper. They don't have to give them health care and raises.

  6. In the long run immigration is good for our economy. We have an aging economy and a very slow growth rate. Under this scenario, immigration is necessary. The fact that there are people that want to immigrate to our country is a positive. We also can have some saw over who immigrates, not every immigrant lacks education, credentials, money..

  7. less cause it ruins the economy even more of the country thry left and creates unemployment in anerica.

  8. Jobs. You would not see the reduced labor cost reflected in the price of anything.

  9. You really have no idea how economics and social welfare work do you?  Sorry, the question is completely ignorant, and obviously asked by someone who does not need to put food for his family.

    These same illegals will be sucking the social welfare systems through food stamps and medical care, which won't be coming out of their illegally earned wages, but out of the wages of someone who is actually in the country legally and paying taxes.

    Illegal immigration is a drain on job openings for Americans, the welfare system, and crime and housing.

    Educate yourself a little before posting things you have no clue about.  I think a little more than you mouse slipped.

  10. Good idea. We need more crime.

  11. I think there should be less....

    Give those jobs to people here. No one should be over worked and underpaid in America. If they want to be here I have no problem with that.... but become a citizen!

  12. Nah, we have just about the right amount.

  13. How about we force employers to pay them minimum wage and then there is no incentive to hire them?

    I don't think immigration is our problem here. WE ARE IN A RECESSION. Of course unemployment goes up. Its not like the immigrants are personally attacking you and taking your jobs.

  14. What we have to lose is a hundred years of progress making fair labor laws... the kind they LACK in Mexico.

  15. No, now that's just a silly idea.

  16. In order to keep balanced economy, every American mother is required to have children more than three, to save economy, standard of living, and country. Or be prepared to invite illegal immigrants. After 50 years black & yellow shall dominate.

  17. Thats silly.

  18. The way you ask the questions makes seem like you want slaves in this country....which offends me.  The illegal immigrants that are here already should be allowed to file for legal residency.

  19. There are a whole bunch of people south of the border who seem to think that.

  20. No. Whether we need more immagrants or more work visas is a different question. We never need more lawbreakers, especially since some of those crossing the boarder in Mexico aren't even Hispanic, they are from the middle east and may be sneeking in to perform acts of terror.

  21. I strongly disagree with you.  The Illegal Immigration problem has caused wages in those areas to DROP tremendously.  They also receive education, medical, police, etc...........that us the taxpayers are paying for.   Also, a lot of the Illegals send millions of dollars BACK to their countries, thus that money is not spent in this country.  These Illegals need to GO BACK to their home and try to make their country better for them all.  Enuf said!!!!!!!!!

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