
Does anyone else think we should put hallmark holidays on hiatus until the economy improves?

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Does anyone else think we should put hallmark holidays on hiatus until the economy improves?




  1. Hallmark holidays will if anything improve the overall status of the economy.  For example mothers day people will be spending lots of money on flowers, candy, etc...(hopefully from local businesses).  But this really only works if buying from local businesses.  Other than that I think they should be stopped for other reasons, but hey..

  2. no one makes you spends a peeny on these holidays..

    all optional and actually helps the economy

  3. The problem with the economy is that people are spending on one essential item and not others. Until this fuel situation is resolved, we'll still be feeling a pinch.

    I would have to blame the Congress for not straightening out the tax structure and using it as a weapon against the other party when the opportunity arises.

    Whether you buy cards or whatever to celebrate holidays won't affect the overall economy that much. The price of oil will though.

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