
Does anyone else with Learning differences just get so frustrated?

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Sometimes I just feel so frustrated! See, I am a very slow learner, and I forget so easily, unless I have done it 200000000000 times, but once I have, it can be 5 years later, and I still remember every detail. See I try so hard, and I do some much extra work, and generally I have helpful, patient teachers and friends who are willing to help and give me there time, but sometimes it feels like no matter how much we go over something, it just doesn't stick! I'm dyslexic (which makes spelling and reading hard), and I have several specific learning disabilities (which make everything else hard) and ADHD (which makes sitting still and focusing hard) and the only things I can do easily are music ans sports...

I'm in musical theatre and right now we are choreographing one of our company pieces, and we just go so quick, that I get left behind, and then I forget what I already knew, and in physics I just get so lost. And I just had a hard day. Anyone else feel like that sometimes?




  1. Yeah I have the same problems too. Since I am not good at math I'm always forgetting what to do, my mind will go blank but when I have a hard day I'll try to write or draw.

  2. I can feel your pain. But keep working towards you goal!

    As a child I had learning issues. But in the 60 and 70 LD's were not easily diagnosed it. I think they actually told my parents I had an high IQ so it must be that I was immature. I was able to muddled through school and did my best which was average. I even had a high school teacher who over heard a group converstation of what we wanted to be when we grew up,  tell me I would not amount to much.

    I went on to college, a state univerisity with open admission (they let anyone in with a highschool deploma). I graduated with a fine arts degree in Interior Design and have become successful. I know my limitations I can draw a pretty pictuer and design like crazy but can't write or spell. The admin. staff ALWAYS looks over correspondence going out but that is OK.

    I am now a mother of an LD child and I know that as hard is it is for him now he can be successful if he tires.

    Find your passion (music and sports) and work as hard as you can to be what you want to be! And you too can be sucessful.

  3. My son is dyslexic also, and has frustrating days; spelling and writing are extremely difficult for him at times, and this can make him feel like he just can't succeed.

    The thing that I remind him of is that there are also benefits to dyslexia - it's actually more of a learning style (it's just one that doesn't work well with traditional textbook learning, unfortunately).  Because he's dyslexic, he often sees problems and situations in ways that others don't, and is able to propose solutions; he also sees patterns quickly that would take other people ages to find, and is able to think "out of the box" when other people may not be able to.  Even though there are things that are difficult for him, he brings a lot to the table.  He's creative, funny, and encouraging to be around.

    He also has the same difficulty with choreography; he does musical theatre as well.  He was able to hook up with the choreographer to go over some things in private until he had it down, and she was impressed with his diligence.  Maybe your choreographer might be willing to do the same?

    And don't feel bad about physics...I don't even have any learning difficulties, and I get completely lost in it too!  :)

    Be encouraged that you have strengths that others don't, even if they aren't always readily visible.  I know that sometimes your difficulties can seem overwhelming, but remind yourself that they aren't all that's there.  You have plenty to bring to the table, too - don't get bogged down in the hard times!

  4. Wow I am just like you and have gone through the same things. Also ADHD, Dyslexic and other areas are expecially hard as well. And sports also comes naturally for me too.  I am a varsity vball player.  I also try veryyyyy hard.  I stay in at break and lunch everyday and do my homework till 12 every night since about 5th grade now.  I am 16 and a sophmore.  ONe difference is that I am not gifted in music and I have anxiety problems.  Just learning in generall is practicaly impossible even though I try sooo hard.  I often get very frustrated but for somereason I just dont give up.  I am been waiting for a long time to finaly find someone like me.  You probably feel the same way like no one understtand and very frustrated from constant underachievement for US veryyyyy hard workers.  I would like to talk and think it would be good for both of us.  I would love to help in anyway I could aswell as share personal stories and advice.  so please emal me at  i would love to help and am gennerally skilled in this area.

  5. I work with kids like you and yes, I see a great deal of frustration. I can only suggest that you try something like yoga and meditation to help relaxing your tensions which could help relax your mind and bring more into focus.  Good Luck!

  6. yeah i feel that way...I have a learning disability where i know what i want to say, but I can't get it out.  and that becomes extremely frustrating.  I also have a hard time remembering some things, or have to have someone try to explain it in a different way for me to understand it.  you aren't alone, and i know how you feel. I don't have ADHD but i have experienced several similar problems.  don't give up, and keep trying.  there's nothing wrong with having a disability, you just have to have a little extra help.  :)

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