
Does anyone else wonder if Palin was pressured to accept the V.P. nomination?

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She is under investigation for Abuse of Power-perhaps she was threatened with prosecution if she refused to accept? Two months ago she said she saw the position as "non-productive" in an interview.




  1. Well, she did ASK McCains people... WHAT does a V.P. do all day?

    Does that sound like someone who is ready to sit in the captains chair?

    Sounds like after 1 meeting... he threw her in...

  2. The Vice-President only has one constitutional duty: to preside over the Senate and vote in case of tie-break needed.  Other than that - the daily duties are whatever the President wants them to be.  They can be productive partner like Al Gore, a trusted adviser like d**k Cheney - or in most cases a representative of the United States at funerals of foreign dignitaries around the world.  Like a traveling global ambassador.

    However I doubt Palin was pressured to accept; it is an incredible honor very few politicians would turn down.  I only hope that all her ethics scandals have been properly vetted by the McCain team in advance.  It would be awfully embarrassing to have the Democrats or the media (working together like they always do) to uncover some ugly skeleton in her closer.  At first blush, she seems like an excellent choice.

  3. I highly doubt she was pressured.  If you look into her record she has a history of confronting corrupt politicians and getting them out of the system

  4. No- why, are you threatened because she actually get things done and is not all talk?

    Btw, you're going to need to post a link as reference- a simple paragraph doesn't cut it anymore, back it up with the whole transcript and not just pieces.

    Thank you so much.


  5. I doubt it.

    Edit:  BTW, do YOU know what the vice president "does"?  I don't.  Never saw a job description.

  6. I'm sure BP did some arm twisting.

  7. I don't believe Palin would be pressured into doing anything she didn't want to do. She is a woman with her own mind.

    I don't know what a VP does all day either. Do you take a job without finding out what the job is first? I don't. Apparently she got her answers to her question. Good for her.

    Now go away little puppy

  8. Umm...why would they pressure her to become VP if she had any serious charges against her?  If there was any substance to these charges, do you think McCain would even consider choosing her???

  9. Really normally the vice president doesn't do much. d**k Cheney is the only time we had a vice president involve in so many other things.

  10. Who gives a $hit HOW she came to be a VP pick. She will be a terriffic VP, just as she has been in every other governing position she has held.

  11. Nobody is going to force you into taking a VP position.  Just another lib going for a long shot, trying to stir up issues that don't exist.  

  12. No, she wasn't pressured.

    McCain really wanted to choose Lieberman.  But the powers that be in his party told him that he couldn't.

    So unbeknown to most in the RNC, McCain had been secretly vetting Palin.  He had met her 6 months ago, and had only spoken to her 3 times before announcing her as his VP choice.

    After he saw how well the DNC convention went, that Thursday night, he called Palin and told her she had the nod.  She literally found out within 24 hours.

    The Republicans are acting like they're okay with the choice.  But they're steamed.

    Oh, if they get elected, all will be well for McCain.  But if they lose, McCain is history as far as the Republican party is concerned.

  13. I say this out of respect for Palin. I don't know her at all nor do I have political emotions toward her. My feeling is that she will be a disaster because she has no experience dealing with a media that is so intrusive and hostile and has 24 hours a day to fill with air time that there is no way she can not s***w up. It has to happen.

    If Biden who is a totally seasoned pro gets foot in the mouth disease Palin will easily eclipse him with errors. And her being chosen I predict will be similar to Tom Eagleton choice of 1972 in being a disastrous for the Republican ticket.

    Folks, experience with the media and national eye means something. No one in the media will be looking to trap her or make her look bad but what will happen is that the lack of experience in dealing with the national press and their 24 hour media cycle will be so relentless that she'll s***w up right off the bat and soon McCain will regret the choice and be shown to have poor judgment here. Very poor judgment.

  14. No - it's her dream job!


  15. This spunky and bright woman would never be pressured into anything, I am quite certain!

  16. The "abuse of power" charge was cried from a man who was fired for gross mismanagement and corruption.

    He threatened to essentially blackmail Palin because several years ago she asked him to fire her ex-brother in-law (a state trooper) who used his position to terrorize his wife during their divorce and issued death threats to his wife, children, and family.

    Now I don't know about you, but if someone threatened my family and used their position as a state trooper to do so, I would demand that he be fired as well.

    And what she said was that discussing her shot at being VP was not productive since she was on the long list.

    Spin much?

  17. No, you are the only one who thinks that.

  18. Yeah...she had someone fired because he wouldn't fire her BROTHER IN LAW.  Nice abuse of power.  Just think what she would be like RUNNING YOUR COUNTRY.

    Do as I say or else!!

    You ought to have McCain kicked out for lack of good judgment.  Chemo and four rounds of cancer (plus a fifth by the look of that growth on his face) has clouded his judgement.

    He is grooming that moose-gutting queen to be PRESIDENT.

    Excuse me but she didn't need any pressure.

    Would you if someone told you that you could be GOD?

    After all....she isn't in POLITICS for any other reason than she likes POWER.

    However politics are dirty and anyone can derail you...she loves POWER too much to have said no regardless.

    Man oh man ignoramuses should NEVER be allowed to vote.  Perhaps someone can bring in an IQ test you have to meet before you can actually VOTE in future.

    The only people who want her in are all those Evangelists building their "Army of GOD" to combat "terrorism" when they themselves are the terror in this world.

    They terrorize with their GODLINESS....only GOD is GOD not morons like this and their moose-gutting, gun slinging maverick queen.

  19. WHAT!!!! Don't you think Clinton could have been brought up on 'Abuse of Power"? The man (cough-cough) was IMPEACHED, and never left office. To me that is the ultimate abuse of power.

    Try as you might, oh liberals of the world, McCain made a great choice and you are running scared.

    Go, Sarah!! She's a smart girl. It won't take her long to figure out what the job entails, and then she'll excel at it!!

  20. RiiiiiiIiiiight because she can stand up to corruption and an all boys club....but a 72 yr old man comes around and she starts crying *rolls eyes*

    Give women a little more credit.

  21. I'm sure she discussed the ramifications with her family and then made the decision. She is an amazing person and is just what we need to clean up Washington. And better yet....she isn't a lawyer. We have way too many of those in government.  

  22. That's a possibility

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