
Does anyone elses baby kick their bladder when sitting down? ?

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24 weeks along and little bugger kicks bladder as soon as i sit down making me need to get up again and pee which drive me mad...just out of interest anyway




  1. Babies seem to kick in all sorts of places when they're growing and taking up more space.  I'm convinced that all the time you're moving around, the baby sleeps, but immediately you sit down to have a rest, the kicking starts!

    Good luck with your little footballer!!

  2. Yep, all the time. It only gets worse as the baby gets bigger, stronger, and crowds out your bladder more leaving less room for it in the first place. Sometimes I literally think I might pee my pants. It makes me jump and even say "Ah!" out loud sometimes. It is crazy! Annoying yes, but it will be worth it of course.

  3. Both my son's did. I was carrying very low with both of them (and I suspect too with this pregnancy) but I am only 7 weeks so he/she isn't big enough to play with my bladder.

  4. Yes! I'm 37 weeks now and it's as if it knows when I have just got comfortable and decides to make me get up and pee!!

  5. when i sit, when i stand, when i lie down. i'm sure mine thinks he's david bloody beckham. best is as soon as i go to bed and start to nod off - and then thump!

    comforting though to know that he or she is in there - but i'm sick of goin back and forth to the loo every 10 mins.  

  6. i'm 28 wks and i have to go pee about every 5 min. :(

  7. My mom tells me I used to kick her bladder all the time, and when I wasn't kicking it I was sitting on it.  

  8. yes im almost 32weeks and my little girl does it like mad lol congrats on the baby and gd luck x

  9. Yeah mines so low she's sat bum down right on my bladder. The lady that did my ultrasound said my baby had loads of room in there but she's choosing to sit right down at the bottom, bottom down with her legs on her chest.

    Every time I sit down she kicks my bladder and I need the toilet. When I'm in the car I need the toilet every 5 Min's.

    But apart from that isn't it great being pregnant.

  10. yep they get it down to an art form by 30 weeks

  11. yes! i seem to be carrying very low with this one it's SO uncomfortable.  

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