
Does anyone elses hamster act like this?

by  |  earlier

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He sleeps under the bedding. He doesn't make a little nest in it. He sleeps completely under it so you can't even tell he's there. The first night we had him we thought he got out and had to dig all the bedding up to see where he was. It just seems a little odd to me. Never had a hamster like this before.




  1. yeah, theyre burrowing thats what they do =] in  my experiences, its more the dwarves that do this. im guessing its because theyres usually not enough bedding for the larger ones to d this. i had one syrinian that moved most the bedding into one corner so there was like 1/2 the cage completely uncovered to make a bed in the corner. she ended up with about  3 inches of bedding in her cageLOL =] so dont worry its ust what they do =]

  2. he is ok... hamsters like to burrow under their bedding

  3. It is perfectly normal for a hamster to sleep under the bedding. I have had two hamsters too who used to do exactly that. In fact every time I clean the cage and put in new bedding, one hammie used to spend the whole day collecting the bedding and heaping it in one corner to sleep. If you want to, you can try to entice him into his sleeping corner by putting some of the bedding that he has used into this sleeping corner so that he gets attracted by the smell but it is not a foolproof method. In fact my other hammie used her beautiful house in her cage to p**p and the bedding to sleep under!

    As long as he is active and has no other visible sickness, you do not need to worry about that.

  4. Well it might be because he is scared of something. Like a noise. So he hides in the bedding to try to cancel the sound off. Or maybe he does not like his designated sleeping spot because is too hard or too cold. If he continues acting like that  check to see if the bedding is damaging him, if is not leave it. If it is switch to another bedding ****NO PINE OR CEDAR OR NEWSPAPER (ANYTHING WITH A SMELL OR THINGS THAT COULD GET STUCK INSIDE HIS BODY IF HE EATS IT OR ANYTHING THAT MAY POISON HIM. LIKE NEWSPAPER INK)**** and see if he stops doing it.

  5. thats normal.. thas jus wat ur little guy is like. he must like the dark. if he gets disturbed tyr getting him a little hideaway house for his cage.

    my hamster has one and it stores all its food in there and sleeps ther.. =D

  6. Eh, not really.  If your hamster is perfectly healthy, then it's just trying to find some peace and darkness while it sleeps the day away.  My brother's hamster mounds up the bedding in a corner and sleeps in that.  I've had hamsters in the past that made a hollowing under the bedding to sleep in.  He might be trying to make a nest, but if he's new, he might take awhile to do that.  Especially if you keep messing up anything hes made.

    Now, if he's sick.  This is bad.  Some animals will attempt to bury themselves in their last moments.  I know a friend that, when her hamster died, it had buried itself.  Your hamster might be doing this if he's sick, but it shouldn't be too hard to tell if he's sick or not.

    Check his eyes.  If they're dark, glassy, and alert, then he should be okay.  You don't want to see faded coloring in his eyes.  When my hamster blacked out (Vet's fault for over stressing him), his beady black eyes started to turn greyish.  Also check for sleep gunk around his eyes.  Like humans, hamsters sometimes get a little crusty around their eye, but it shouldn't be big or holding its eye shut.

    Is your hamster alert?  Now, it's not really fair to wake him up in the middle of the day.  How alert would you be if someone woke you up?  It'd take you a minute to wake up or you might just try going back to sleep.  Drop a paper towel or toilet paper tube in there in the evening.  If the hamster checks it out, sniffs it, chews on it, carries it around, chances are he's functioning properly.  Check to see that he's eating and drinking and if all that checks in okay, he's probably just a unique hamster finding a way to keep comfortable in his new home.  

    If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. ^^

  7. My brothers hamsters used to do the same thing. Wierd

  8. Well i have a rat and a mouse

    and the mouse does that,

    there rodents and they like to burrow

    he may just like to be alone.

    Thats all.

    Hope i helped :]

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