
Does anyone elses parents hate them?

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Does anyone elses parents hate them?




  1. I wouldn't say a parent hates their kid but they might not like the person they have become

  2. well my step mum hates me.

  3. me and my dad have a love hate relationship, some times i feel like he hates me but then again i know he would kill for me. he just struggles with have close relationships to his family. he had the same problem with his parents and sister, the more he loves some one the more difficult he is towards them.

  4. Hmmm....I hope not.  Although hate is too strong of  a word, I think there are times when all parents (whether they admit it or not) don't like what their children are doing or the way they are behaving.  My daughter is 17 months old and I love her completely, but there are times when I wish I could just go out the front door and go shopping, or go to bed without wondering if she will wake up in the night.  

  5. I know a lot of people who's parents hate them, I don't care what you people say there are parents out there who truly 100% hate their children, not w ho they became or anything they did, just them being there is enough for some to hate their kids.

  6. Yup mine do :]

  7. No parent can truly hate her child.

    Sometimes families have disagreements, and you may feel that you were treated unfairly - but that's just tough love.  

  8. Sometimes I feel like my dad hates me.  My mom says he doesn't, but I just get the feeling he's just dissapointed in me for getting pregnant and married before I finished college.  I mean, I didn't drop out and I'm still in school and my marriage is great and I have a healthy 8 month old, but i still get the feeling that he may have had more in mind for me.  

  9. nope my mom loves me and my sister and puts us first and foremost. my dad i have no idea lol cuz hes like never around so yeah

  10. no parents hate thier child. hate is a strong word. your parents love you alot as you might not belive me. not all parents are sweet and pampering parents as others. some parents are really tough and strict .

    my family is really tough and strict and oh well its TOUGH LOVE

  11. me me me!!!

  12. my step mom hates me

  13. I hope not. That would be very immature of the parent.

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