
Does anyone elses reality suck as much as mine?

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Ok, so I know I should be happy. Today was my first day back at school, I got to see all of my friends and I had an awesome summer. But I'm not happy (because of the following news), actually the smallest thing that is bad news for me, could honestly send me off in tears..

So today was my first day of Grade 8, my last year in my uhm not so wonderful school (its not a bad school, we just have some funny rules).

I had known since the end of last year that my class would be split into two, to make two 7/8 classes. I just chose to ignore it. Ignoring it made my summer wonderful, I slept in, hung out with my best friends, and my other best friend who just kinda dreams through life with me (we believe that some pretty crazy things can happen, related to the biggest "boy band" right now, but thats not the point) but we're not like underdogs or anything.. I changed quite a bit this summer, like growing up, being more mature, learning tons more about myself. So I really expected all (most) of my class for the same thing to happen to them, that they would all grow up and act their ages. Wow, I could deal with just my class being the way they were last year (they don't act like babies, they just haven't gotten to the mature point yet) but now with Grade 7's.. IT SUCKS! (and I'm not one to complain about alot)

Plus my 'certain obsession' (I seriously don't talk about this 24/7 or show it, you need to ask me about it to find out) seems to amuse some people (aka. the jerks in my class) and they liek to make fun of it, not me, it. But I've got 'thick skin' so I could care less about it, because I know I will be teased, I choose to take the high road and ignore them. This isn't the problem, it added to it, and I needed to get it out. And I think I took it out on my keyboard, not sure how much longer it will last. : )

Does anyone have any advice?

Say anything to make me feel better?

Were you in a situation like this?

Anything encouraging is greatly apreciated.

My way of feeling better is listening to music...

I never thought the song Hold On would apply to me, but today is the day.

Thank you!




  1. Keep being yourself...and always remember to be the "bigger person". Don't feed into all the other peoples weird habits or unnecessary ways in school. They're just showing off for their friends.I have lots of people like that in my grade to so I just ignore it when they're being jerks to other people....and music is my little savior as well :)

  2. Hooly doo doo pants that's my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm in a 7/8 split the 7's in my class still play horses and ppl make fun of me for marry-ing joe jonas:D

  3. Everyone has times when they hate their life. Life isn't perfect. middle school years suck. work really hard though it matters. ignore the jerks at school there will always be people in your life who want to try and hurt you or put you down. don't let them get to you because it encourages them. be yourself don't be afraid of what your into causing people to pick on you. so cheer up buttercup life has its ups and downs. i have faith in you . just enjoy your year to the fullest.

  4. just keep on being yourself, hopefully, everyone else will get mature soon. :)

  5. Be glad for the life you have! I would give anything to live in America! Bugger what people think of you! You'll look back at this one day and think, "I'm so glad I didn't die!" Think of Elizabeth Fritzel (the woman who was kept in her cellar for eighteen years by her father). Think of the times she wished she could get out, think of the dieing wishes of someone who's just been stabbed and wishes they were at home, safe and living. Believe me, however hard you think your life is, someone elses will be twenty times worse.

  6. I am also going into 8th grade. I start on Thursday.

    I am rather excited.

    Its great that you had a wonderful summer!

    Summer is beautiful. lol

    But don't get frustrated from these kids. I know some kids in class can make you feel like an absolute loser at times. It has happened.

    Just hold on and you'll be fine, just a little bit longer!



    Anyways, venting your feelings is the best. Its the best way to express yourself and tomorrow is a new day so just take a breath and hold on! =)

    Jonas Brothers songs are so great! They help through every situation!

    Best wishes,

    Jonas Obsessed!


    Flash those jerks your huge million dollar smile and you could care less of what others have to say. & besides maybe they have a crush on you and thats the only way to get you to notice them

    ; )

    Guys are very hard to understand << complicated! LOL

  7. Middle school and even your freshmen year will be some wierd akward times at least from my experience.  Keep your head high I made it through those years and so can you!

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