
Does anyone even care that Edwards had an extramarrital affair and has a "lovechild"? seriously we got another

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clinton got blown situation here dont we folks? isn't that between him and his wife and kid/kids. how many ppl think that the ppl who run for office aren't human beings? and how many of those human beings are perfect?




  1. People who show bad judgment in their personal lives can't be trusted to show good judgment in their political lives.

    If the person's spouse can't trust them - why the h**l should we?

  2. Why would I care what Edwards does? He is not my Representative or Senator or governor. I mean, it was pretty crappy but like you said he is a human being with power. They all do those things. I would bet Bush has cheated on Laura and I bet senior cheated on Barbara and Reagan cheated on Nancy and so far back into infinity.

    Men + power = irresponsible choices.

  3. Men cheat, women cheat. Who cares? That is the way it is.  Politicians are people whether democrat and republican.  I wouldn't be surprised if it happens again and it doesn't matter what party he or she is part of.

  4. What is the big deal? every body does it now including myself...please do n't tell my she will never let me use the OVAL office again....I love this OVAL office always brings me such a memories....

  5. Uh, not really.  Its not like he an office holder or running for office. It would probably be more influential in that case, of course.

  6. I only care that he is a liar, an adulterer, and has proven to me he is every bit the self-centered slimeball my intuition told me he always was.  

  7. No. And the rest of the World keeps laughing at us for trying to have such Victorian Standards at the same time we promote s*x right and left.

    Figure it out. Too many slow News days.


  8. It's not the affair that gets them in trouble it's they lie about it. And it also shows lack of character, how do you miss this part? Swampy is telling it like it is!

  9. No.  As long as he pays support and gives the child love.

    Heck of a lot better than smoking crack and being a drunk.

    It's odd how so many 'perfect' people complain about this type of lie and allow Bush to lie over and over and these lies have led to the deaths of thousands upon thousands of American soldiers and so many, many thousands of Iraqi children, mothers and fathers and grand parents.

  10. In general I don't care, and think both Sen. Edwards and the story are pretty much irrelevant at this point.

    But my God, when you hear that a guy did this when his wife is dying of cancer, you can't help but think, "you piece of shlt". That being said, it didn't deserve the blitz of media coverage that it continues to receive.  

  11. Nooo. We don't care. That's none of our business.

  12. Bad judgment and hedonistic activity by elected officials is news. People need to know so that any of Edwards future political activity will include the entire Edwards character taken into account.

  13. While he admits to the affair none of the principles involved, including the child's mother, claim Edwards was the Father.  The comparison to Clinton is off on two levels, one is that by the Lewinsky affair Clinton had a well established womanized image while Edwards has made a career of campaigning on moral issues, which leaves him, unlike Clinton, open to accusations of hypocrisy as well as adultery, second, the Clinton's marriage was known to be somewhat rocky, Edwards has gone to great lengths to make his seem idyllic.  When you stake out the Moral High Ground you've got a lot farther to fall.  The real question is why was the National Enquirer the only paper to carry the story, where was the, so called, unbiased media?

  14. Another distraction from the real news going on in the world .

  15. I could not care who the politicians are s******g, they seem to always s***w me anyhow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. As he did when he was a lawyer, he supposedlyl talked to the baby fetus, is he doing the same thing now when it it living and what is he saying?

  17. Yeah, with Democrats it's always "between him and his wife." When what's his name Republican was in the public bathroom trying to get together with a guy that turned out to be a cop, THAT was a big deal, but these aren't?!

    Clinton didn't "just get blown." He took advantage of a White House intern in the Oval Office while his wife slept upstairs. Would he feel the same way if one of Chelsea's bosses did the same thing with her now let alone when she was 19? I doubt it.

    Edwards held himself up to be "Mr. Family Man," just as Larry Craig did. THAT'S the problem! Don't stand up in front of thousands day after day and condemn others for not having proper family standards and point to yourself as the epitome of a "family man," if your boinking one of your aides on the side. An aide, I might point out, that had absolutely NO experience in film making but was hired to make campaign films. Hmmmm....even Clinton didn't do that! Don't lie over and over again when you get caught and insist that the truth isn't true.

    If these guys want to keep their sexual indiscretions between them and their wives, then they'd best stay out of the public limelight. I'm sure I've got neighbors who have done/are doing the same thing, but they're not in the public view and they're not holding themselves out there to be judged, which is what running for office is.

    You Dems need to stop making excuses for these kinds of people.  

  18. The press is blowing this thing up for ratings and the good old dollar.  I frankly don't care if Edwards had an affair with this gal.  It is between Edwards and his wife. I would like the press to concentrate on matters that are of importance to Americans.  The press constantly keeps pounding home stories about rape, child molestation, kidnapping, murder, etc.  Over and over again.  ENOUGH!  Give us the important news and nothing more.  Of course we all know that this is not possible in our economy where TV stations and newspapers have to make piles of money for their investors, so what's the use?

  19. What I dont like is he has been preaching to us for years, he screwed around on his wife who is suffering from cancer, and stll let her go out and campaign for him after she found out he is incredibly selfish, thank

    God he never became more than a Senator that was much more than he deserved. Character does matter it has an effect on every aspect of your life.

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