
Does anyone ever blush in life drawing class?

by  |  earlier

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Either the students or (especially) the model?




  1.    I was 29 when I first attended college, I earned an AOS, associate in occupational skills degree, Commercial Art.  I was to old to blush I guess, but there were a lot of 18 and 19 year old students. And I bet most of them had yet to experience anything like life drawing class. So are instructor told the story of a bashfull artist who couldn't look directly at the nude model, the punch line was the artist became very proficient at drawing toes.  The models were universtity students who earned 10 dollars an hour to pose. I never saw one blush or giggle or do anything unprofessional.

  2. I probably would.

  3. I bet I would

  4. I bet I would!

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