
Does anyone ever feel like this?

by  |  earlier

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you think to yourself that you messed something up and that you regret what happened and it couldve been better. and you just like let yourself down. ):




  1. yea i felt that way. i wondered why i've always felt that way. people say that its a lesson to be learned but i dont think so. wheather you realize it or not, its on your mind over and over again. i always felt that way. i felt like i was stupid or somthing. i dont really know whatto do about it because there is nobody i can talk to.

  2. all the time

  3. yes

  4. all the time  

  5. Of course. It's called being a human.

  6. Yeah, totally! I feel that way every day because a weird guy asked me out last year (after letting the whole school know, of course) and I stupidly said yes. He really doesn't fit in. He's got a weird personality and thinks he's all that, and he's unpopular. We never did anything, but I stupidly sat with him in the cafeteria one day and people were always bugging me about it, like picking on me. After eight awful days I found the courage to say "Ya know what, this isn't gonna work." I've never gotten over it. I feel like a complete loser every day, especially because it ruined what little reputation I had gained in school. People probably don't think of me the same anymore. It really sucks.

  7. yep, part of being human, best you can do is to learn from your mistakes, and try not to do it again..

  8. Yeah, but it comes with the territory of being a human being.  

  9. everyday. my best friend told me he would jump at the chance to have me as his girlfriend but i had been through some really serious stuff. i wasn't looking for anything.

    then come to find out i did want to be with him and he won't talk to me. you live with regret everyday. it's how you handle and learn from that will change your outcome in life. know this everyone wishes they cold always change one thing. it's how you react that makes you different.

  10. yes, but the best thing to do is to pick of the pieces and move on

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