
Does anyone ever get any GOOD prophecies? Seems to me they're usually forecasting something bad.?

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Does anyone ever get any GOOD prophecies? Seems to me they're usually forecasting something bad.?




  1. I predict somthing great will happen to you! In 7 months and 6 days the best thing ever will happen.

  2. Sometimes.  I tend to not dwell on it or try to change things in the path.  I can take a different direction that will be far worse than if I had just left things alone.


  3. lol as a tarot card reader, i always point out the good AND bad sides of every card.... even the tower (which is supposed to mean ultimate destruction, horrible disaster, etc lol very very negative) has good points... i point out that it can also mean you have an opportunity to start over!! =)

    i've only had my own tarot read a few times (and i rarely read for myself... i'm not objective enough) and i've always gotten positive readings.

    most of the people i read for have mainly bright futures with some hidden perils.

    (i do admit... there are some very morbid readers out there... though there's no help in just scaring your querent!!)

  4. Actually, good things can come from bad things. Such as sufferage world wide could bring about the human evolution of unity. Think cause and effect.

  5. it's easy for phonies to predict cause  theres nothing good going on in world so how can they predict good stuff

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