
Does anyone ever have any empathy for ghosts/spirits?

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What if during your life people rejected you and always tried to get rid of you....then you die and become invisible and just want to be near people...and then THEY try to GET RID of you then too.!!!

Don't any of you ever feel sorry for them?What's wrong with letting them hang around if they don't cause any trouble:?




  1. Yes I do ! If interested check out my website at Thanks!

  2. spirits come to comfort us,  where they go when they are not with us is a wonderful place, a place of feeling loved, and belonging.  they are not lonely there.  as for ghosts, they are spiritually homeless, either by choice or circumstance.  by keeping them near to us we are depriving them of the great and glorious light that they deserve.

  3. I have had experiences with good and bad ghost. I have lived for years with some good ones. Not sure if they were family or not, but not all of us try to "get rid of them".

  4. they do exist and forget what others say they!!!!!!!!

  5. Ghosts don't exist, click the link. :)

  6. you obviously are new to this forum the majority of believers in here are into the paranormal to help both the living and the dead I am a paranormal investigator and I have a deep respect for the dead in alot of cases the spirit does not even know they are dead and just need help to the other side some spirits will not cross over fearing gods judgment for something they have done while they were alive I do not remove a spirit unless it has caused harm to a living person or if it is a demonic spirit good question thanks

  7. I don't have any problem with them hanging around. Sometimes they are just trying to find out how to go home and if you can help then it is your duty to do so. Sometimes they just want some attention, some want to share with you. And sometimes they want to talk your bloody ears off, but they all should be treated with respect. Sometimes they can tell you something important that you might need to know also, especially if they like you, then they want to hang around and look out for you.

  8. I am a clairvoyant and "ghost hunter".

    In my opinion, 90% of spirits come and go as they please, they are not "stuck" on the earth's plane.  They come to visit, look around, have some fun with us, but they are free to return to heaven whenever they please.

    5% are stuck here, due to having been murdered (and the killer was never caught), or having committed suicide unjustly (yes, I feel there are sometimes times it is OKAY to kill yourself).

    The other 5% are not really ghosts, but a continuous "rerun" of past events.  For some reason, a person's actions keep repeating, as like a movie, if conditions are right.  But the actual person's soul is not there.

    I don't know who would give a thumbs down for an honest answer.  Sometimes I wonder if its worthwhile to dispense information if its going to be discounted...

  9. Dead people are spirits that have shed their imperfect bodies. They need no sympathy for we who still got our bodies to lug around.  I think if they come around, it's because they owe someone or something, and must pay it to get to that Final Resting Place some people call Heaven. Good (God in old English) Luck!

  10. Ghosts have moved on to another plane. I hear what you are saying but you cannot forcefully get rid of ghosts. Holy words said with holy water over a holy book will do nothing but anger the spirits. would you try to stop a bank robber by trying to exorcise him? Same difference.

    If you have an unwanted spirit the best thing you can do is reason with them. Talk to them as you would while they were alive. They may not leave but if you respect them they will probably respect you.

    then there are spirits who are hanging around due to negative energy and vibe cause by dysfunctional families, alcoholism, drug addiction depression etc. The best way to rid yourself of these spirits are to change your lifestyle.


  11. Well Denie, they *are* trespassing.

  12. I do. I've had quite a few lost children find me (or maybe my spirit guides guide them TO me, I'm not entirely sure) and several adults. The children were scared and lost, one poor little thing froze to death, out in the woods, alone, and he was only 5 years old. He'd gotten seperated from his mother and never found his way home. I do have a few of them I let hang around, a young man by the name of Martin Joseph, one of the first spirits I helped to cross over. He found me and ended up liking me, saw me as a mother figure he didn't get when he was alive. He wanted someone to care how he'd lived and how he'd died and that I did makes him very grateful. He watches out for me now. Not that I need it, but it's still a nice thought. He has a little sister in the spirit realm who comes to see me every once in a while. Molly her name is. Or she did anyway. My house is on lockdown these days (long story).

    Some of them can be very sweet souls and only want what most of us want--to be loved. To know that someone cares. I ask that most of them not stay around, or my house will get really crowded really fast. It'll make me nuts. But I don't mind that they come visit me. Shoot, my father and my grandfather come visit me on occassion too.

    Love and light

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