
Does anyone ever see dark figures on the side of the road when your driving?

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For several months now, when ever I'm driving day or night, I keep seeing dark figures on the side of the road. Usually it suprises me and look again to see if someone is about to walk out onto the road, and then its gone. The figure looks like the outline of a person but I can't ever make out the features.




  1. I have hallucinated many times while driving.  It comes to you when you are too tired or when you zone out.  It's nothing more than your brain fizzling.  Pull over and get some rest.

  2. I would make an appointment with your eye doctor, it seems that your peripheral vision is playing tricks on you.

  3. Do you drive the same road every time?does anyone ever wave like "hello,yes I'm here!"does the time of night matter,and is anyone else ever seen them in the area that  your asking about?this is pretty wide open on the "try to help you scale." please give more details so we all can help....and please be careful driving....nobody wants you to get hurt while your not watching the road....remember if they are paranormal, you'll probably drive right through them without any harm to them or safe

  4. Yeah, but i've also eaten LSD. Flashbacks happen in the dark. Especially if you are on a long trip and are tired.

  5. see your eye dr. You may have pressure building up in your eyes or something wrong with your peripheral vision.

  6. dont you know its not safe to drive and do drugs..........

  7. You may be seeing imaginary images because you are driving while you are overly tired.

  8. This has never happened to me, in any state of being awake or tired, nor have I heard of it happening, until now.

  9. There is a certain stretch of road near where I live that parallels the freeway & at night the headlights of the cars on the freeway shine through the wire fence & the fenceposts make shadows on the road that makes it look exactly like someone is crossing the street. The first time I drove this street @ night it freaked me out so bad I almost crashed, the illusion was so good. It's still a little unnerving.

  10. I used to see figures also... then i went to the optometrist and they disappeared...

  11. Yes, I does, but not on the road. Last week I saw a dark silohuette at my house, it was at the livingroom. Well, that dark figures that you saw on the road exists, but when you pretend look at it, it's gone because that figure is energy and your retina can't watch it at all =S

  12. I'v seen them a milllion times.If you look back they are gone.In one occasion I even saw some dance.Weird huh?

  13. Those are shadow people!  They are just like the shadow people that invade people's houses but these ones are on the move and looking for new victims. They are waiting for someone to stop alongside the road so they can get in the car and follow them home. So if you see a shadow person along the road at night, don't even slow down. If they haven't found a house to hide in by sunrise, they will be destroyed by the sunlight. This is proven fact. That's why you never see them during the day.

  14. yeah, used to drive a lot for a living and saw road ghosts all the time. Mostly on long stretched of empty road.  I've stopped dead in the middle of the highway before, thinking there was someone in the road, only to realize that nothing at all was there.

    I think its mostly a trick of the eyes and mind, but who knows.

    And usually they are dark and human shape, I have seen animal versions too. I dont think its uncommon, I have heard of other people seeing them also.

  15. That's weird

  16. Yes I have seen them. Lots of times. So many in fact that we call them 'road goblins'. No one is ever there when you look twice. Sometimes it looks like a person, other times like an animal. No clue what it is. Trick on the eye, who knows?

  17. Sometimes I do see the shadows, but I after listening and talking to George Noory, he assured me that if it does not hurt you, iy is harmless and only watching you.

    Why, I have no idea. Just be careful and call George Noory. He is on

  18. Once my husband was driving at night while he was very tired. He told me that he saw a big truck fell and began to roll over towards him. Then disappeared suddenly. He said he immediately pulled over and had some rest. Now he never drives if he feels tired specially at night. Because his eyes played a trick on him and made him to see a sand hill near the road as if it was a truck. Never drive a car if you feel tired.

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