
Does anyone ever try to write really poor poetry .. bad verse?.?

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I do not mean naughty.. I mean stumbling and senseless. An exercise in what not to do. like setting a readers teeth on edge... make them cringe!




  1. Crappy c**p this crapola

    jibberish posing wannabe

    just who in the h**l do they think they are...

    Wait...its me and my crappy crapola!

  2. absolutely, there are even competitions

    heres a bad prose link for example:

    and poetry:

  3. I don't know that I have ever seen it, but if it was done correctly (hehe that's ironic) I bet it could be very interesting.

    There are several songs out there where the writer insinuates one word, but then says another.  I can't think of any examples right now, or else I'd share them with you.

  4. I know of another competition called "Werrgle Flomp"  sponsored by Winning Writers in which you have to write the most ridiculous poem, submit it to, and then submit it to winning writers werrgle flomp competition for a chance at a real cash prize for the worst poem.  Basically it is a joke on because they will accept and praise any poem sent in.  This is why they call it a "vanity" publishing company.

    LOL...Elaine, that's so funny and so true...myself included ;)

  5. There is a modern category called "Bad Art." I don't know if there are poems included in the movement. They have a museum, somewhere.

  6. The Poets of Mars do it all the time! Sometimes unintentionally.

  7. I thought that was called, "pome" No?

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