
Does anyone ever wonder what the purpose of life is?

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Does anyone ever wonder what the purpose of life is? Why are we here? I'm just burnt out I'm pretty young but im unhappy and restless with everything. I dont feel like happiness sticks to me for long. Im in a relationship that's completely confusing to me.I dont think he understands me. It's like bad things happen to good people.




  1. We have all come in to this life to learn different lessons, to experience the all of life, to teach others what we know, and to form bonds with our other human companions on this Earth.  If you were to read Sylvia Browne, you would understand, and never question your existence again.  We now know more about life after death, than ever before, thanks to those who have told their stories after coming back from being declared dead.  Also, more psychic people are coming forward too, and people in general, are more open and communicative about their purpose here.  You have to understand that before we came to this place, we wrote this story, so we could live it out, and experience what it feels like, to live through certain things, "lessons" etc.  To find love, to give love, and to form bonds with others.  These are the real things we take "Home" with us.  And the reason our Real Home and the memories of it are being "shielded" from us, is that we would become so homesick for Home, that we couldn't do the jobs we came here to do, and those jobs, are what bring our growth to its peak.  Each person in our life, was put there, to learn a lesson from, to help us through our life, or for us to teach them what we could, by doing things in this life Our Way.  We take all this Home with us, in the form of memories, and when we do get Home, we get to see all of those who didn't come, or who weren't brave enough to come, for this existence is one of the hardest each and every one of us has set out to do, to learn from it.  When you get through your lessons, you will understand more.  You will be then able to go on to your next lesson, and if you examine what you have done in your life, you will see that through your endurance, you have achieved your goal, of making it through a very hard thing, that you thought you couldn't get through.  It all makes sense.  You just have to be able to "see" that there is a purpose to all of this, and you can't always "touch, what is real."  If this relationship is not working for you, maybe you have already gotten the most you are going to get from it, and it's time to move on.  Only you can make that decision.  So it's up to you to make the best choices for what's best for you, not others, unless you have babies, and you are there for them, and they have chosen to come with you to this existence, to learn from you.  Live your life, and take notice of how things work for you.  When one door closes, another door opens.  Just watch for the signs...they are your guides through this life.  Hope this helps....Iylena

  2. My view on the purpose of my life is to minimize pain, while maximizing positive experiences. I personally accomplish this through watching entertaining media, or through learning a different subject that I haven't looked at before.

  3. I feel alot like you do.

  4. I believe the purpose of life is to enjoy it.

  5. sometimes. then i realize that in a hundred years, no one will remember me (although i'm hoping they do). so, i think the purpose of life is to make the best of it, and leave knowing that you did something good for either you or someone else.

  6. purpose of life it 2 reproduce and enjoy everything you have

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