
Does anyone every feel like a terrible parent? Lots of guilt?

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Lately, ive been feeling like a horrible mother. Im divorced (7 years) and raising my 7 yr old. He's got ADHD but manageable on meds. Im also pregnant nine months and due anyday. My boyfriend is involved. My ex does pay child support for my first child. I feel like a horrible mother b/c i work nights and when i come home in the morning (my son is off school now for summer), i make my son b'fast. He gets up and kiss him and go to bed. He eats his bfast and basically plays alone and watches tv up until i wake up which is around 130pm or so. This is working out good so far b/c he loves to stay home and play. He's an indoor type kid anyway. However, Im always tired now b/c of the pregnancy and sleep all day long on and off. Im still working 32 hours a week up until next week. Im very irritable with my son b/c im tired and i havent been spending much quality time with him b/c im so wiped out. Im hoping that once the baby is born and im home, things will be better.




  1. no not ever i do my best for them  and some time we will fail  thats life

  2. I just started taking the Herbs in "Formula 303",

    Online search it .

    My goal is to not let my newly aged teenagers "guilt me".

    And I've always had the goal to stay off chemicals(pills),

    so this muscle relaxant,

    stress relieving formula has worked wonders for my

    neck and sleeplessness.

    Children really just worship their parents and want anything to please their parents, so just find him a good male figure and let him make some simple choices regarding the new baby, and he will know he's important.

    God Bless You Always!

  3. I'd like to tell you that I understand your position and  

    I know you're in a tough position - but - there are so many summer schemes on for kids that let parents drop off the children in the morning.  Can't you ask relatives to help, or your boyfriend - to find out where he could go (even many churches hold free/really cheap day schemes) or to take him outside more, or drop him to scheme where he can meet other kids his age?  

    Realistically, you're going to be exhausted for the next several months and focusing heavily on the new baby.  Your son may 'like' to sit indoors, watch TV or play video games, but that doesn't mean it's healthy - and I wouldn't feel guilty about the lack of morning time you can spend with him - but I would definitely be concerned that he's just stuck indoors this summer so I'd suggest planning somewhere for him to go that's safe - plus it'll give you space in the house when you have the baby, even for a few hours.  Because you think you're exhausted now but you will be drained even more once the baby comes.

  4. Sounds like you're overwhelmed.  It sounds simple, but you have to do what is best for your kids, and don't take this the wrong way, but get some professional help.

  5. You're not a horrible mother! Being pregnant is hard and I'm sure being pregnant with a 7 yr old is even harder. You are still working which is great (I did that too) and shows that you DO care greatly about your children, which means you can't possibly be horrible :)

  6. Your situation is understandable. Maybe not so much to a 7 year old, but he will probably understand a little better as he gets older. If I were you, I would make it a point to do something special with him once a week, no matter how tired you are. Take him out for ice cream, or take him to the park. Parenting means making sacrifices, and sometimes, that means sleep. He is old enough to entertain himself, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want, need, or deserve a little attention here and there. This is especially important because you have a new baby on the way!

  7. As long as you are making just a little bit of time for your son, even 10 minutes, even when you are tired, he'll know that.  If you are making him feel special and needed and important, he'll know that.  And you can even tell him that you're tired now cuz his new bro/sis is on the way and let him help with getting ready for the new addition, he might feel better, ya know.  What would you want if you were him?

  8. Look, there is only one terrible parent around here - And that is ME!!

    You are doing the best you can. I know how hard it is being pregnant, and looking after children. You are lucky you have a fantastic kid there, who can look after himself.

    It's only for another week, so don't worry.

    I currently have the Chicken Pox, and have shared them with my 2 newborns (I spend 3 hours sobbing over that). I have no energy or nothing. I can barely walk, without becoming over tired.

    I have 5 boys, and they are literally running wild - because I am really sick. Thankfully my Husband helps out. Otherwise my house really would be a bomb site. Last night I sat there and knew full well my toddlers where in a large container of hot chocolate, but I couldn't have cared less. The mess was nothing, compared to the hour of peace I had. lol!

    Good Luck with your upcoming birth.

    Hope all goes well for you!!


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