
Does anyone exercise? ?

by Guest58784  |  earlier

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Before I had the baby I always exercised and I'm a massage therapist so I need to be in shape. Now that sh'e's two months old I've been trying to exercise since she was six weeks and can't seem to get back in to it. I can't even do a situp anymore and it's making me feel awful. I need to know how any of you got back in shape. also you should know I'm pretty much totally blind so I can't watch any of the excersise videos or anything...I've tried it, but couldn't understand what they meant to do with out seeing it. Thanks.




  1. first i love your name...blind diva...

    second, i do exercise. i'm adamant about losing this baby weight! (gained 65 pounds!).  I work out 4-6 days a week.  I go to a strength training/aerobics class twice a week and the other 2-3 days I do a mix of strength training & cardio at the gym. i go hiking at one of our local trails once every two weeks.   i started working out at home when i was 2 months postpartum (just doing floor mat exercises and working out w/ 5lb dumbells, i was sooo weak!).  once my baby was 3 months i could take her to my gym's on-site babysitting service, and i've been doing that ever since.  i'm stronger now than i've ever been!  i still need to lose 20 pounds still, but i'm getting there....even if it's slower than i want...  

  2. I've been doing the biggest loser cardio blast video for 5 months. I've lost 30 pounds. I swear by this video. It is very easy to follow along with.

  3. start out slow and walk around your neighborhood. after you have been doing that for awhile..start on situps. if this baby and i sleep better when we walk every night. the fresh air for her and the exercise for me! maybe better sleep for the both of you will be a great incentive to get going! good luck!

  4. love your baby because she is the best of important... Anything doesn't matter.

  5. I try but dont have time to do as much as I used to. I go for walks with baby and dance.  I just pop the stereo on and dance around my living room with baby in the front pack. Its lots of fun but I bet I look pretty stupid =)

  6. with my first son, i was motivated from learning how much weight i gained. but it hasn't been long since you just had your baby. the more you exercise you'll see results and hopefully that will motivate you.

    good luck.

  7. Take it slowly for now just to get back in the mood of exercising. Take walk with your child. Go swimming. The motivation will come back.

  8. I'm guessing you're not very physically fit? If not, start slow. Take walks or something and instead of situps, do really small crunches where you just barely get off the ground until your abs get too tired. You can also do a form of pushup where you get on your knees.

  9. I use to excercise before I was prego. No Mia is 4 months old and just started to have an actuall rutine to balance work and kids. with that being said I just started to think about getting into shape. I tried many things  but personally I needed extra help so I bought 5 training sessions with a personal trainer at the Gym to get things going. I figure once I get a rutine going it will be easy to follow on my own. I just need that extra push for right now.

    Maybe that is something you can consider

  10. I did before i was pregnant..

    now at least 2 times a week I go walking up hills and stuff with my husband...but nothing serious no.

  11. One of the best way to get in fit and burn calories is running or swimming.  Start by either taking walking around the neighborhood (you could even bring your baby in a stroller) or if you have a local pool you could start by doing some light swimming.  Swimming is light on your joints and easy to learn.  Mix it up and remember- have fun!

  12. what sort of exercise did you enjoy doing before she was born? maybe you could ease your way back into similar exercise?

    exercise at home is one way to get your body back into shape without the added stress of working out what to do with your baby (sitter wise). doing just 2 repititions of each strength exercise, and slowly build it up until you are feeling the burn will get you started  nicely.

    Perhaps skipping rope or treadmill or exercise bike at home would work? most you can rent and have at home.

    Or strap baby in stroller and walk for 30mins a day - build it up to an hour's jog and then a run (eventually) and you're back being fit and healthy again.

    maybe you could start/join a walking club with other local mothers?

    remember to take it slowly in building up your fitness so you don't hurt yourself.

    best wishes!  

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