
Does anyone feel fake or aggressive while flirting?

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I mean, isn't it better to just talk to her like a friend? I feel awkward while trying to flirt..




  1. yeah if you have to try it prolly isnt working too good

  2. Most flirting is done by body movements and eye contact. A girl may play with her hair for example

  3. flirting is being playful. when you're comfortable enough to flirt with her, it will be natural, and won't feel aggressive or fake. and you don't have to be aggressive. that's no fun. it's a form of affection.

  4. OMFG if u feel awkward flirting u obviously like another girl or  arent ment to be wit her            ^_^             any other relationship questionz?

  5. Sometimes. Especially when I know i can dance circles around her and charm her to bits.

  6. you shouldn't really have to TRY to flirt... if you like somebody and you are speaking to them it just kind of happens... so if you are trying to hard, thats probably why you feel awkward...

  7. when i flirt its easy cuz it just comes to you. when ur flirting just tell  them they ook nice or something

  8. Nope, I prefer to act natural. Far more fun too.  

  9. all you have to do is be yourself and throw in a compliment every now and then... no pick p lines, you dont wanna seem creepy and desperate

  10. flirting is talking to someone like a friend but also showing your interest. if she doesnt know you are interested how can she start thinking about being interested in you. The point of flirting is to catch the attention of the opposite s*x and let them know you like them while figuring out if they drop hints they like you back.

  11. i think i didn't feel never that i don't know i say, but i think that somebody can feel this only if the person who flirt with her don't like them...

  12. Be yourself. Even if you don't mean to flirt, she may take some of it as flirting anyway!

  13. Then just talk to her like a friend.  You can flirt other ways than by what you say.    

  14. Yes that's your problem. Be real

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