
Does anyone feel guilty missing a workout?

by Guest63982  |  earlier

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Lately I've been exercising 6 days a week and sometimes twice a day. However yesterday and today I've decided to not work out because I'm feeling unusually tired and low on energy. This means that I would have only exercised 5 days this week.

Is it normal to feel bad for not working out as much as usual? I feel like I should watch what I eat today because I'm not exercising, but surely that's just the feelings of guilt?




  1. I rarely skip a day of exercise, maybe a couple of days a year. But you're completely right. If your body is telling you that you have low energy and that you're sore, it's time for a rest. I'm working towards allowing myself to take that rest day each week, but it's hard for me because I'm recovering from an eating disorder. If you really feel bad about missing a day, do something lighter! If you normally run, take a brisk walk or go splash around at a pool for a bit. Just because you decide to take a day off doesn't mean that you've failed at your exercise regimen or that you're going to get fat.  

  2. First of all, 6 days a week and twice a day is way too much.  The fact that you're tired confirms it.  If you keep it up you're going to compromise your immunity and starting sustaining injuries.

    Seriously I only recommend weight training 3 days a week every other day and 2 or 3 cardio days at most.

    Another good practice to get into is taking a full week off every 8-10 weeks.  You'll avoid overtraining and actually come back stronger and with renewed energy.

    As far as feeling guilty don't.

    I've been a trainer for about 12 years.  I've been weight training for about 17.  I'm a powerlifter so I have this natural drive to work hard.  I used to feel guilty but I stopped.  You do not see results in the gym.  You see them outside from diet and rest.  Working our for hours, every day and more than once a day will actually cause your results to go in reverse.

    Sometimes you just need a time out and there's nothing wrong with that unless it becomes a habit.

    I never train more than once a day.  I never train for more than an hour.  I only train according to the schedule I listed before.

  3. yes, i do. even tho i'm not trying to lose weight, i feel guilty missing workouts!

    5 days is perfect. you need a couple days off for ur body to rest n repair! plus, ur lack of energy is ur body's way of saying, 'hold up! let me rest!' enjoy ur time off! ignore the guilt!

  4. Yes I do, and that's a good thing

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