
Does anyone feel really uncomfortable watching the Sarah/Darnell/Rex situation? What are your views?

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This is in reference to Big Brother UK.




  1. I feel really sorry for Sara :(

  2. I think it was really bad ,Darnell and Rex are both bullies.Rex tried to cover himself by apologising as I think he realised things had gone too far.

    BB should have stepped in it was verbal assault.

  3. This is no different to the time with Jodie Marsh, Pete Burns and Michael Barrymore.  And BB has done nothing 24hrs later!!

  4. Rex & Darnell are a total disgrace.Sara didn't deserve that.

  5. Absolutely yes! If this had happened in the first month, Darnell would have been slung out ! by BB . IT`S only cos its the last leg, he`s slipped the net  

  6. Darnell took things too far.  Rex was just joking,  I would get on well with Rex as I understand his type of humour and would not be offended.  Sarah does tend to put herself into situations where the male housemates tend to tease her and on this occasion Darnell went too far.  He did mean what he said and it was not a joke, because she has spurned him.  However,  I don't feel sorry for her really as she is a big flirt and has left herself open for criticism.  She should stop leading them on.  

  7. Yes, I thought Sara handled that situation with class.

    I am glad Mo walked away.  

  8. VERY!!! its bullying though and big brother should have noticed they were all piking on her. i think there will be loads of complaints. Rex is an idiot he tried to apologise then accused her of not being able to take a joke! pffffft get the bullies out!!!!

  9. they should have been given a warning about abusive behavior ,big brother should be called big bully 9. never seen such a negative series as this one

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