
Does anyone feel sorry for Ed McMahon that he can't make his house payments?

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I don't....and why does the media think that this is important for us to know? I personally think all of this celebrity news in the mainsteam media is offensive. Do you?




  1. Cam-

    The journalism school definition of news is if a story has:

    1. s*x

    2. Money or

    3. Death

    You get one of those, you have a story. Two, and you're on the front page/top of the hour. Three, and you're above the fold or the first story to air.

    It's not the journalists fault, though...that's what people want to read about. This McMahon story has two of the, and he's probably going to die soon. -- a newspaper editor.

  2. No, I don't feel sorry for him. He made lots of money over the years. He should have spent it wisely.

  3. no, i do not feel sorry for him

  4. yes

  5. Yeah , I really feel sorry for someone who has obviously just pissed tons of money away.... not! Yes - Yes - Yes to your question. If I hear one more thing about Brad and Angelina I'm moving to a remote island off the coast of West Yoohoo..  You're welcome to join me!

  6. There should be a difference between sympathizing with the misfortunes of another human being (even if the misfortune is self imposed) and being annoyed with celebrity coverage.

    It is sad that a man of his age is facing foreclosure and it is sad when anyone faces foreclosure. And we don't know him or his personal situation. Many of those old time stars made next to nothing financially. It is strange that you would be so anti-celebrity culture but still play into the gossip.

    Edit: Are you kidding me? YOU posted this. YOU felt the need to comment on a celebrity and then lambaste that so much time is given to them. Being a celebrity hater is just as bad as being a celebrity fan. You are still giving time and attention to people who you don't even know!

    The point that I was making is that if someone has misfortunes, especially someone that you don't personally know, even if you have accurate info it is still gossip and still malicious. If your grandfather was being forced into foreclosure would you want people who don't even know him to comment on his situation? Would you want people to know your financial dealings?

    It is sick that people get so much glee at the misfortunes of others. Do you have any idea how much he made in his life or how much he donated to charities? Maybe how much he has paid out in divorce or due to health care. No? You don't know his intimate life? But you feel the need to revel in his misfortunes because...what you feel superior? It is sick and you really should be ashamed.

  7. to bad he cant win the sweepstakes he used to promote lol

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