
Does anyone feel that "the party scene" is a bad thing? Parents?

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I am 17 years old and for about a year I have been going to parties every weekend. I am a very responsible drinker in that I do not drink and drive. I am a Junior in high school who goes to school and works after school and I feel I am responsible enough to drink.

How would you feel about this if you were MY parent?




  1. I'd have a serious problem with it if I were your parent.  

    Drinking every weekend, regardless of your age and whether or not you drive just isn't a good idea.  You're courting disaster.  I will commend you for being responsible enough to not drive, but I'd really commend you if you weren't drinking at all.

    I'm sure that I don't have to mention that your actions are illegal, right?

  2. well i mean where i live (australia) 18 is the leagl age to drink so i wouldnt be angry at all, i think as long as you are responsible then thats fine.

    my 14 year old sister, on the other hand, who drinks i do not approve of that and she is not allowed to go to parties anymore because of that.

  3. sorry, but my 17 yr old would not be able to go to parties every weekend.  alcoholism runs in my family, so i don't drink, and i try to set a good example for my kids.  hopefully they will also chose not to drink. no one at 17 is responsible enough to drink.  you cant even vote

  4. when i was 17 i too drank but not all the time only once in a while with my older friends, if my daughter was doing this only every now and then and she was safe i'd be more supportive but every weekend that's a bit extreme.

  5. it depends do u get drunk or not and be aware that if u are pulled over and the police officer even smell that on u u can be charged for being under the influence as a minor

  6. I am a very open parent. It is against my beliefs to even drink, but it is also your choice. If you came to me and told me "Hey Mom, I know how you feel, but I really am into the party scene. I will be drinking but not driving." I think if you came to me and we laid down some rules, I would be fine with it! I don't think drinking every weekend is a good thing, and if you were my child I would say no to that part..

  7. I would be very upset if I were your parent.  It's not even about whether you can drink responsibly.  Drinking is still illegal at 17, and if you get caught, you could be kicked out of any school sports or activities you may be in and could be disqualified from consideration for scholarships, jobs and other opportunities. Your car insurance company would probably raise your premiums.  

    In addition, even a small amount of alcohol has been shown to affect judgment, and the effect is stronger for teens. Bad decisions about drugs, s*x, or fighting have all been connected to alcohol consumption.  Being at a party can also implicate you in anything bad that goes on there.  For instance, if someone is using drugs, you could be considered a party to it.  

    Why risk all of that just to prove how mature and responsible you are?  Trust me, you'll have plenty of opportunity to party in college.  

  8. If I were you I would slow down  and just wait till your legal.  You say your responsible drinker because you do not drink and drive which is good and I commend you but there are people who don't drink and drive and are not responsible drinker.  

    Now be truthful,  Is there anyone you know who gets drunk and sleeps around or do things in that nature that they would not do when they were sober.  So what I am saying if a person tends to sleep around or do something like that when they are drunk is that making them responsible?  I am not saying you are like this.

    Now will your drinking habit get worse?  If you feel that you can't go a weekend without drinking or your basis reason for existence is for the weekend and especially drinking then your probably have a drinking problem that inmost case will get worse when you have the opportunity to drink more.  right now with school and living at home your opportunity to drink is limited to the weekend.  If you were older and living on your own you would probably drink more.

    Anyway enjoy your teens years without the alcohol because you will have plenty of time to drink when you get older and one thing to remember that drinking a lot of alcohol ages people faster, so when you are around 25- 30 do you want to look like your in your 40 or 50s.

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