
Does anyone feel the GOP put in enough thought before picking Palin?

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Seriously, do you think the GOP/McCain put enough thought before they picked her?

Were they prepared enough to answer all the potential backlash/questions that came with picking her?

Her daughter being pregnant, the pending case with her brother-in-law, her background, etc. Albeit, it was decent for them to mention her daughter's pregnancy before someone else did.

But, they pretty much had to.

Was all this taken into account beforehand?

IMO, it looks like they're scrambling for answers.





  1. I don't believe that a major political party would make a last second decision for a VP.

    And you can have all the time in the world to vet a candidate but still not make a wise choice. See Joe Biden.  

  2. Did the Democrats give it much thought when they picked a senator with no executive experience and who has spent most of his time while in office, running for an office he is unqualified to hold?

    Suddenly everyone seems to have passed judgment on a pregnant girl and her family.  As if this was not common in our present society.

    It's become insane!  It has become worse than high school.  The issues have been put on the back burner and all the soap opera issues have now become life and death!

    Before it's all over both sides will have a lot of explaining to do, I'm sure.

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