
Does anyone feel they have powers/abilities of some sort?

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I was just reading on ppl w/ abilities on the internet: being able to see through the eyes of killers, 'reading' people, feeling as if chosen for something etc. Maybe i just read up on these things too much




  1. i don't (except when i get that de ja vu  - where it seems I've dreampt it before) but I work with a woman who can read things about you...she read things about my life that she shouldn't have known as we'd never spoke before. very strange...but she 'read' me and did the same for others (though I don't feel that someone should do that without request) - it's kind of freaky...

  2. Look into Remote Viewing.

  3. I have the power to recognize BS,when I see it.We all have it.Many just don't develop it.You'll need it on the Internet

  4. i guess.....

  5. I have grown up knowing that I am a dimensional time traveler and just recently, I discovered that I can pschically heal anyone I want to, as well as have conversations with dead people and telepathically communicate with animals, especially dogs.

  6. It's really weird but I sometimes feel I can manipulate people in to beliving what ever I think

  7. my daughter turned on the TV when she was about 2 just through a tantrum about wanting to watch it she didn't touch the switch and it wasn't plugged into a power socket.

  8. I have the ability to recognize bull.  That's why I'm here

  9. We all do.  It is a matter of allowance and awareness.  Pay attention to your own clues.

  10. identifying ,recognizing and accepting this capabilities is

    kind of a process,however there are so many terms popularized as related to parapsychology when they are not,

    and this it what causes the misleading confusion that exist,

    as an example,'feeling as if chosen....,wouldn't be exactly something that would i say it is related to parapsychology,simply because kind of suggest something

    a person 'makes in his/her mind,so, that would be a psychological issue,related to some kind of delusion ,then again,'being able to see through the eyes of killers'?,so probably what you need to do is take a look on different

    approaches on the subjects you like the most and that

    would help you get a better view of what is parapsychology

    from what is not,

    check these definitions,

    Telepathy-Direct mind-to-mind communication

    Precognition: Also called premonition. Obtaining information about future events, where the information could not be inferred through normal means. Many people report dreams that appear to be precognitive

    Clairvoyance: Sometimes called remote viewing; obtaining information about events at remote locations, beyond the reach of the normal senses.----here is a link;

    NDE;an experience reported by those who were revived from nearly dying. Often refers to a core experience that includes feelings of peace, OBE, seeing lights and other phenomena.

    OBE: the experience of feeling separated from the body, often accompanied by visual perceptions as though from above the body.

  11. I can usually be pretty accurate with the tarot cards. Sometimes I can give an intuitive reading without them but in general, the cards help me focus.

  12. I can stop my hiccups at will. But that's more of a voluntary control over an involuntary reaction. Still neat though. Haven't hiccuped more than two in a row in 30 years. Now, to describe how I do it, patent, and market it are still up in the air.....

  13. I have no powers of any sort, except for my magical ability to understand switchmode power supplies.

  14. Cant tell you or else i would have to set you a flame with my demonic abilities...Shoot i just gone and told you

  15. nope...sometimes..false alarm!

  16. I believe I do, and so do many of those who know me.  I'm mainly necropathic (if you don't know the term, im me and I'll explain), I read people, and I do a bit of remote viewing.  

    Blessed be

  17. i have prophet dreams.  unfortunately they r a lil off so i cant warn people.  for example i dreamed my friend crashed her car into a Mack truck in front of a local gas station.. the next day she called to say her boyfriend crashed his jeep into a Mack truck in front of the gas station.  it happens often.

  18. I have an acute ability to sniff out BS.

  19. I know I do, though as of yet I can't prove it too much. I'm still developing to the point where I can actually call on them. As of right now, it's more that stuff just comes to me. BUT... I'm clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and medium. I'm also a spiritual healer, using crystals and Reiki (though I wasn't attuned by a Reiki Master like most people were--it's natural for me, and my spirit guide attuned me).

    I've felt "different" most of my life, always knew there was something about me that set me drastically apart from everyone else. I didn't know exactly what, except that I realized I sensed things most people didn't. My strongest gift is my clairsentience, or empathy, which is the ability to feel other peoples emotions. I'm like an emotional sponge--I absorb the emotions of the people around me. I've since learned to recognize when something isn't mine and how to release what's not mine (it builds up...can make you feel like you're bipolar. lol). I can also feel the energy in the air around me. Crowds (grocery stores, shopping malls, high school dances) used to be overwhelming for me.

    But yeah, I've felt restless for years now, feeling as if I'm here for a higher purpose, something bigger than ordinary life, and found myself seeking it out. I found it quite by accident on the internet when I found a group that told me I wasn't just different, I was gifted, and that it all had a name. It's developed a bit since then.

    Love and light :)

  20. yes totally intutive

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