
Does anyone find Bullshido a little discriminating...?

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Most of the people on there are a little pompous, a little obsessed with street effectiveness, and a little harsh on sport arts like Wushu and Changquan... It's not a bad thing, but it's just a little...ignorant.... the most popular styles on there are BJJ and Muay Thai. I was repeatedly bashed for just practicing Long Fist even though I also do Sanda. Anyways, do you feel that is too harsh on anything less than an all sparring martial art or do you think it's justified by the amount of McDojos around for CMA.....? Perhaps it's just nitpicking but the sheer amount of criticism of CMA is a tad ridiculous....




  1. They demonstrate their own bias with every post, and a lot of what I've read is personal opinion masquerading as "fact." They get to feel superior and smug for a moment. I regard it as the National Inquirer of MA sites.

  2. I've been a serious martial artist since the 1960's. I've studied styles that are well known and some that most people have never heard of. That does not mean that because a style is not well known that it is not effective.

    Bull... gave me a bad impression the first time I visited it. I've only been to the site a few times. I'm sure that if they knew of me and the style that I teach they would be bad mouthing me too. Personally I don't care what they say about a person or a style. I tend to do my own research to determine if something is for real. It is not fair to anyone to judge another based on a few peoples take on something. How do you know that the people doing the bad mouthing are not as bad or worse than the people/styles they are knocking.

    I've had a few people approach me and question my rank, titles, background, ...etc. I tell them to forget about all that and come see for themselves who and what I am. Then make their own judgment. Bottom line is that it is not the style, rank, or opinions of others that make any style or person legitimate. Each should be judged after seeing it first hand. If it works, its fine in my book.  

  3. BUllshido sure has the right name! It is mostly BULL!

    Everyone only posts their own biases and doesn't seem to keep an open mind towards anything. Most of the people writing on the forum seem like they don't have much martial arts experience of any kind. Opps, I guess that can be said about yahoo answers too.

    Knowledgeable people are the minority not the majority. Ask as many questions as you want but don't answer questions if you don't have a clue, you just sound stupid.

    Bullshido started out with good intentions but now only focuses on bashing and ranting. I don't even bother visiting the site anymore.

  4. Bullshido doesn't discriminate... They hate everybody.

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