
Does anyone find stability boring?..(mental)

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any one feel better in a crisis?




  1. even though sometimes stability seems abit boring when it stays to long as in there is nothing new and things tend to get routinized but i hate being in a crisis, no matter how strong and stubborn u r to the crises, u feel low, unhappy as if noone has problems but u (alone in this world) and u cant think straight . Crisis even effect ur mood when u listen to music u tend to listen to sad ones.

  2. I've had my fill of crisis in my life.  Stability beats misery any day.

  3. Yes, when I'm in a crisis I feel the need to overcome whatever it is and to come out of it as a better person.  It also makes stability seem a lot better than it actually is during the crisis and in the immediate aftermath.

    With too much stability, I get set in my ways and thoughts and don't grow or mature as a person.

  4. I dont feel best in crisis situations however thats when i perform the best.

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