
Does anyone find that?

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People only really take you seriously when you become a parent?

I know that for me, it's hard to earn someone's respect and have them think seriously about you unless your married and have children.

What do you think?




  1. I'm 25, married 5 years, with 3 boys (my oldest is 3).  Some people will never respect you, no matter how many children you have (in fact, some people respect you less the more children you have!).

  2. i hate it how they respond to u when u ask them a question

    uhuh, yeah, sure

    dont even take you seriously

  3. i have to agree with you on that one.  i am not married but i am with my sons father for 9 years now.  people look at me different many times.  they judge me before they even know me.

  4. Stupid ****

  5. i find something a bit weird.. im a young mum.. im 22 and have 2 kids. I actually think people see the opposite with me and dont take me seriously. the nursery staff dont talk to me like they do with the other parents and ive been on my own with my 2 kids for almost a year! i do the job just as well if not better than the other moms. Its not about having respect but people to see you in a different way if you have children... just the way it is! i love chatting to other dads about their kids because they spk so passionatly about them.

  6. No i find that people probably don't take you seriously because you  talk utter self-obsessed drivel.

  7. Actually, it seems to me that people only begin to take you seriously when you turn about 28 or29.  It doesn't seem to matter if you are married and have kids before that.  If you're under 28 or 39, people think your ignorant.

    As far as having kids, I have seen that a woman will be pregnant or have a child and all of a sudden , she thinks she is so grown up and knowledgeable.  Having a child doesn't make you any different than you were before you had a child.  We need to mature and grow up and mature, and giving birth or getting married doesn't cause that to happen.

  8. Hi lol I know where you are coming from, we are both 21 married and currently expecting our first child,

    but the thing is I bet if I had not go married and got pregnant people would see us in a whole different light and throught out the digs, it annoyes me that just because we are married now it seem like it give us the rights to have children, when even if we didnt get married we still would have been together we had been dating for 6 years so none of us was going anywhere.

    I know that when we got married and we started trying for a baby people were like they didnt wasnt no time, and we were like no because we knew that if we werent married and got pregnant people would judge us, that not the reason why we got married we talk about marriage alot of the time, it just seemed that people only thought it wouild be nesscary to have a child if married.  

  9. It depends. I always think it is idiotic for people with no kids to give parenting advice, and, no, I do not take people like that seriously. My dad no longer talks to his own sister because she has no kids (Divorced 3 times), but feels that she needs to make comments about how us 4 kids were raised, even though none of us ever ended up being arrested or using drugs, and we all have good marriages and jobs.

  10. I'm married and pregnant and people still treat me as if they have a righ to tell me what to do all the time, and they don't take me seriously as an adult because I am not doing things exactly the way they did.

    It's really frustrating, especially when you work for family who treats you like you are still their 12 year old neice.  
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