
Does anyone follow mahatma gandhi's teachings today?

by Guest60333  |  earlier

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Does anyone follow mahatma gandhi's teachings today?




  1. Well who was he

  2. Yes. There are many that believe in "being the change you want to see in the world". It would work beautifully if EVERYONE did it. But as long as there always has been, and always will be, evil people, they must be confronted by an army of the righteous.  Almost all suffering in the world is due to the wrong people being in charge. An organized "army" of ordinary folks with a backbone could change that. Simply being a good or holy person sets one up to be a victim. Your life and that of your loved ones could be in the hands of a madman....Anteater

  3. "You can tell about the people of a country by the way they treat their animals."

    My mom and I took a dying puppy to the vet b/c nobody else wanted to. i believe we did the right thing instead of letting her suffer.

  4. Non-violence movement was the most important contribution of Mahatma Gandhi to the world.  There are many leaders who adopted his style to fight against governments and businesses using non-violence methods.

  5. I use his teachings to housebreak my pups

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