
Does anyone formula feed during the day and breastfeed at night?

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Or even just give 2 or 3 bottles of formula in place of breastfeeding? How is that working for you and did it affect your milk supply?




  1. I am supplementing with formula right now because my daughter was not gaining weight on breast milk alone.  We have been supplementing for 10 days and so far I have not noticed any decrease in my milk supply.  I make her (3) 8 oz. bottles for the afternoons when we are apart and I use 4 oz of breastmilk and 4 oz of formula.  I am currently taking fenugreek and adding additional pumping sessions and feedings to help increase my milk supply and get her back on breast milk alone.  For now though the supplementing is working well.

    Let me add that I do not give her formula when I am with her...I pump three times a day and feed three times a day so that is why there has not been a decrease.  My milk supply just can't keep up with her demands.

  2. I tried it once and my breast milk supply was all messed up. If you decide to do that be sure you pump, so that you body still makes milk. Also be careful your baby may be lactose intolerant. My daughter has to use soy formula when I put her on it.  

  3. I don't think that you'd have enough milk to keep that up for long because in order to have a good supply you should be breastfeeding more often than just at night.  

    Some breastmilk is better than no breastmilk but I'd try to get some day feedings in there too to prevent engorgement, mastitis, diminished supply, etc.

  4. Your breast will generate milk based on need, so if you continue feeding your baby bottle in the days and breast milk at nights then your milk production will be affected. What you are doing however, is not necessarily wrong as it is a good way to wean your baby from breast milk. My wife did the same thing when our baby was 4 months old and he was fully weaned by 6 months old.

  5. I do. I had breast reduction surgery back in 2002, so I have a low supply of milk for Madeleine (3 weeks old). During the night and at times in the day I breastfeed. At first she had some nipple confusion, but now she seems alright.

    I just got a supplemental feeder (small tube that gets taped to the breast to feed baby while comforting her with the breast) and I hope it helps to increase my production.

    Good luck :)

  6. yes it does make your milk supply go down until you dry up, i did supplement at the beginning because she wouldnt latch on, but the second she did i stop completely, and i still have a good supply after a week of her  literally stuck on my breast. i know my mom did that, and friends and they eventually dried up, nothing will increase your supply unless you baby sucks on your nipple. so you decide wether to just do one or gradually let you baby go to formula and of course do both until your supply stops. but if you just want to BF stop supplementing with formula and pump instead

  7. Formula feeding does affect the milk since the baby isn't sucking on the breast. I was doing both to my youngest son. He was getting breast milk from the breast and formula has well.

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