
Does anyone get it or do people leave thier brains at home in the morning?

by  |  earlier

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Ok this is coming from someone that is 18 and sometimes I feel like my town doesn’t get it but other times it seems like the world doesn’t get it. Why are people materialistic? You can’t take it with you when you die. Is there a reason people are rude to others? Why would you treat a fellow human being like you are superior?

We are not special nope not special just a continues cycle of life and death. Why so pissed? Life is short... Judging someone based on something that has nothing to do like their car or clothes, why? You are who you are not your car... Ego..

What Ego do you speak of hmm your more complicated than you know and science proves that the human body is super complicated so why would you hold a self centered opinion about who "you" are. There is no you...




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    does anyone get it or do people leave thier brains at home in the morning?

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    It's physically impossible to leave your brain at home when you go out. Why do people not think about things before they do them? Because they have other things that they feel is important, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, what matters is how they prioritize.


    Why are people materialistic? You can’t take it with you when you die.

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    Everybody already knows that they can't bring their things when they die, that's not what it's about. Materialism is about having as many things as possible while you are alive. Partly because we are programmed to collect things so that we will be sure to get through the hard times as easily as possible. Think of the days of old when you could starve to death during the winter if you had not collected enough food. Today that kind of behavior is no longer needed, but the instinct lives on.


    Is there a reason people are rude to others?

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    Bad manners is most often a flaw in peoples upbringing and education.


    Why would you treat a fellow human being like you are superior?

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    Looking at society you'll see that those that manages to dominate the others have advantages that the others don't have.  Most of all being the "alpha" gives you power to rule over the others and have them do what you want them to do. When someone acts superior they truly believe that they are better as persons and better as leaders, true or not. They keep acting superior since they want the benefits that comes with superiority. It's all about power and people want power to make sure that they will survive when others don't. Even in a democracy you have those with power and those with less or no power.


    Why so pissed?

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    Life is short... Judging someone based on something that has nothing to do like their car or clothes, why? You are who you are not your car... Ego..

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    True. Once again you are back at the image or possible survival, rich people are more likely to be able to survive hard times. Today it rings less true than it did in the days of old, but the idea still lingers on.


    What Ego do you speak of hmm your more complicated than you know and science proves that the human body is super complicated so why would you hold a self centered opinion about who "you" are. There is no you...

    [End Quote]

    Because I know that I am therefore I exist and anyone that exist has the right to live life as they see fit, it does not matter if I'm super complicated or not. I am.  

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