
Does anyone has a brother pretends that he is your dad?

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I have an older brother who's also a legal guardian to me and my three brothers.I know it's cool when he took me and my siblings in when dad passed away and mum is no where to find. But lately, he plays favorite especially to my youngest brother,Brandon.

I do not know why I'm asking, but just wanted to know anyone else in the world has this kind of brother.

My older brother will simply put blame on my second elder brother (Matt) if something went wrong in our home while he's at Uni/work. For instant, yesterday Matt went for some groceries shopping with Brandon.Unfortunately, my youngest bro slipped and broke quite number of jars in the shop.After an intense discussion, Matt had to pay half of the actual price of the jars.

When both of them get home,Matt went crazy to Brandon.He was like yelling and screaming to him.So of course this 8 years old boy cried.Matt told everyone for not telling Mike about what had happened. However,Brandon told Mike what had happened and asked Mike not to speak with Matt about it as he promised Matt for not telling him.

After Brandon went for bed, Mike went to the room I shared with other brothers and ask Matt to see him in the basement.I didn't know what Mike said to Matt.But I'm sure something bad.Because Matt got to our room and said that he will kill the 8 years old brat 2morrow.

I felt for Matt so much.Not just that.Mike always put pressure on Matt about paying bill,car,groceries and almost everything.Because eery month Mike will give Matt sum of money to manage the house expanses.




  1. OMG OMG

    yes my older bro. watches every move i make, what im aloud o wear etc.

    like i have 2 dads lol

  2. My lil bro whos barely 10 acts like my dad.

  3. You shouldn't have had to pay for jars that fell when someone slipped in the store. You should have threatened to sue....that always works. lol. Its not an 8 y/o's fault for falling in the store.

  4. You should try and picture the situation from your brother's shoes. He's giving up a lot to take care of you guys. A guy his age shouldn't have all these responsibilities. University, work, taking care of you guys. And he probably has little to no privacy. He was probably under a lot of stress and when he heard your little brother, he just snapped. He sounds like a good guy for taking care of you guys. Your lucky to have a brother like him.

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