
Does anyone hate both Obama and McCain?

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Obama can talk the talk, but probably can't walk the walk. He will probably resign from office in his first term because of the stress. He has some good ideas but I don't think he will be able to deliver. McCain is an outdated, senile man who might die from a heart attack during his inauguration. I liked his maverick style but ever since the election got more intense, he has become a lot more like Bush and seems like he will make a third Bush term. What do you think?




  1. Thumbs up to the person below me!

    I agree with you too, Obama is all talk; and probably no action.

    McCain is another remake of bush.

    I have my best interest at heart, and in MY opinion, neither are good enough for my political likings.

    I know that some of the African American people vote for Obama because of the color of his skin, but that's not the issue; and viseversa.

    I also know that some Americans vote for McCain because the color of his skin, too.

    I know this because I work and live and surround myself with those kind of people. The reason why they are around me is because believe it or not they are my family members.

    The issue is to pick a GOOD potential candidate who has his/her best interest at heart at ALL times.

  2. I pick Obama! I used to love McCain, but like you said, he is acting more like Bush. I believe it is due to the intense pressure he is getting from his party. I think McCain is too old school and probably will mess up the country even further. Obama is our own CHANCE of American dominance! Obama can talk the talk, but he can do the walk with the 304304 brightest  people assisting him. He is well-educated, HIS WIFE is well-educated. We need some need changes in America. If McCain takes the seat, we will likely go to another war with North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Russia, Syria, etc.  

  3. Try doing some research on your own instead of listening to the mainstream media. McCain is a Republican but not at all like George Bush and his record does show it if you will research it.  Why do you seem to think he is senile...just because he is older.  Regan was old for a president and has been considered by many to have done many great things when he was in office.

    Study study study.  And don't hate.  I personally did not like Bill Clinton...but when he was my president, I gave him the respect of President of the United States. And which ever wins, I will give him that respect too.  

  4. I agree with Kenneth - these are the worst candidates we have ever had to choose from...

  5. NO GO OBAMA!!!!!

  6. This election reminds me of the Vote Or Die episode of South Park where they voted on a new school's the same choices.

    Giant Douche or t**d Sandwich...either way it's just awful.

  7. I don't hate anyone..and I don't think McCain is another Bush.

  8. I like Obama and McCain better than all the Bushes and Clintons.

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